JUnit Questions and Answers – Maven Downsides

This set of Basic JUnit Questions and Answers focuses on “Maven Downsides”.

1. The biggest advantage of mock objects over in-container testing is that mocks don’t require a ________ container in order to execute tests.
a) Running
b) Closed
c) Open
d) Static
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Answer: a
Explanation: Tests can be set up quickly and run quickly when using mock objects.

2. ___________ contains helper classes for ant properties.
a) org.apache.tools.ant.property
b) org.apache.tools.ant.types
c) org.apache.tools.ant.util
d) org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs
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Answer: a
Explanation: The package org.apache.tools.ant.property of apache ant contains helper classes for ant properties.

3. ____________ is the interface to a class to get a property in apache ant.
a) ParseNextProperty
b) PropertyExpander
c) GetProperty
d) LocalProperties
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Answer: c
Explanation: The GetProperty interface is normally the interface to the PropertyHelper class.

4. ___________ is a thread local class containing local properties.
a) ParseNextProperty
b) PropertyExpander
c) GetProperty
d) LocalProperties
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Answer: d
Explanation: The LocalProperties is a class of org.apache.tools.ant.property that contains local properties.

5. ___________ is the class to resolve properties in a map.
a) LocalPropertyStack
b) ResolvePropertyMap
c) NullReturn
d) ParseProperties
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Answer: b
Explanation: The ResolvePropertyMap class is used to resolve properties in a map.
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6. ___________ parses properties using a collection of expanders.
a) LocalPropertyStack
b) ResolvePropertyMap
c) NullReturn
d) ParseProperties
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Answer: d
Explanation: The constructor of the ParseProperties class is public ParseProperties(Project project,java.util.Collection <PropertyExpander> expanders, GetProperty getProperty).

7. _________ is a class to represent a null and to stop the chain of lookups.
a) LocalPropertyStack
b) ResolvePropertyMap
c) NullReturn
d) ParseProperties
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Answer: c
Explanation: The NullReturn class is the apache ant class representation of Null.

8. ________________ interface is used by ant attributes.
a) EnableAttribute
b) PropertyExpander
c) GetProperty
d) LocalProperties
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Answer: a
Explanation: The EnableAttribute interface is used by all apache ant attributes.

9. _____________ class is used to indicate that the XML namespace (URI) can be used to look for namespace attributes.
a) AttributeNamespace
b) BaseIfAttribute
c) IfBlankAttribute
d) IfSetAttribute
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Answer: a
Explanation: The AttributeNamespace class is useful for indication of XML namespace.

10. ____________ is an abstract class for if/unless attributes.
a) AttributeNamespace
b) BaseIfAttribute
c) IfBlankAttribute
d) IfSetAttribute
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Answer: b
Explanation: BaseIfAttribute contains a Boolean flag to specify whether this is an, if or unless attribute.

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