Java MCQ – Exception Handling

This section of our 1000+ Java MCQs focuses on exception handling of Java Programming Language.

1. When does Exceptions in Java arises in code sequence?
a) Run Time
b) Compilation Time
c) Can Occur Any Time
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Exceptions in Java are run-time errors.

2. Which of these keywords is not a part of exception handling?
a) try
b) finally
c) thrown
d) catch
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Answer: c
Explanation: Exceptional handling is managed via 5 keywords – try, catch, throws, throw and finally.

3. Which of these keywords must be used to monitor for exceptions?
a) try
b) finally
c) throw
d) catch
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

4. Which of these keywords must be used to handle the exception thrown by try block in some rational manner?
a) try
b) finally
c) throw
d) catch
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Answer: d
Explanation: If an exception occurs within the try block, it is thrown and cached by catch block for processing.

5. Which of these keywords is used to manually throw an exception?
a) try
b) finally
c) throw
d) catch
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Answer: c
Explanation: None.
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6. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.     class exception_handling 
  2.     {
  3.         public static void main(String args[]) 
  4.         {
  5.             try 
  6.             {
  7.                 System.out.print("Hello" + " " + 1 / 0);
  8.             }
  9.             catch(ArithmeticException e) 
  10.             {
  11.         	System.out.print("World");        	
  12.             }
  13.         }
  14.     }

a) Hello
b) World
c) HelloWorld
d) Hello World
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Answer: b
Explanation: System.ou.print() function first converts the whole parameters into a string and then prints, before “Hello” goes to output stream 1 / 0 error is encountered which is cached by catch block printing just “World”.

$ javac
$ java exception_handling

7. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.     class exception_handling 
  2.     {
  3.         public static void main(String args[]) 
  4.         {
  5.             try 
  6.            {
  7.                 int a, b;
  8.                 b = 0;
  9.                 a = 5 / b;
  10.                 System.out.print("A");
  11.             }
  12.             catch(ArithmeticException e) 
  13.             {
  14.         	System.out.print("B");        	
  15.             }
  16.         }
  17.     }

a) A
b) B
c) Compilation Error
d) Runtime Error
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.

$ javac
$ java exception_handling

8. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.     class exception_handling 
  2.     {
  3.         public static void main(String args[]) 
  4.         {
  5.             try 
  6.             {
  7.                 int a, b;
  8.                 b = 0;
  9.                 a = 5 / b;
  10.                 System.out.print("A");
  11.             }
  12.             catch(ArithmeticException e) 
  13.             {
  14.         	System.out.print("B");        	
  15.             }
  16.             finally 
  17.             {
  18.     	        System.out.print("C");
  19.             }
  20.         }
  21.     }

a) A
b) B
c) AC
d) BC
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Answer: d
Explanation: finally keyword is used to execute the code before try and catch block end.

$ javac
$ java exception_handling

9. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.     class exception_handling 
  2.     {
  3.         public static void main(String args[]) 
  4.         {
  5.             try 
  6.             {
  7.                 int i, sum;
  8.                 sum = 10;
  9.                 for (i = -1; i < 3 ;++i)
  10.                     sum = (sum / i);
  11.             }
  12.             catch(ArithmeticException e) 
  13.             {
  14.         	System.out.print("0");        	
  15.             } 
  16.             System.out.print(sum);
  17.         }
  18.     }

a) 0
b) 05
c) Compilation Error
d) Runtime Error
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Answer: c
Explanation: Value of variable sum is printed outside of try block, sum is declared only in try block, outside try block it is undefined.

$ javac
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: 
	sum cannot be resolved to a variable

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Java Programming Language.

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