IOT Questions and Answers – Taking Control of Gesture Interactions

This set of IOT Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Taking Control of Gesture Interactions”.

1. __________ Uses voice to control the devices.
a) Google Home
b) Apple HomePod
c) Both Google Home and Apple HomePod
d) Google Sheets
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Answer: c
Explanation: Google Home, or Apple HomePod, takes in the user’s voice to control the devices. Like, with the help of voice all the parts of our home can be done.

2. Do we have problems using screen in smartphones.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: This can be the user’s smartphone screen, but some devices, like smartwatches, have screens of their own. The problem in the latter case is that these screens can be tiny and hard to use effectively. Neither voice control nor smartphone control offer adequate solutions to this problem.

3. What should be the frequency of the soli for hand gesturing functions?
a) 50 GHz
b) 60 GHz
c) 35 GHz
d) 40 GHz
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Answer: b
Explanation: Soli uses high frequency 60GHz radar to sense fine hand gestures that can be mapped to certain functions.

4. What is the gesture that can be produced by tapping index finger to the tip of your thumb?
a) Pressing a virtual button
b) Twisting a virtual dial
c) Pressing a virtual button and Twisting a virtual dial
d) Neither Twisting a virtual dial nor Pressing a virtual button
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Answer: a
Explanation: Example of Soli intuitive virtual tools, by tapping your index finger to the tip of your thumb, you can simulate pressing a virtual button.

5. What is the gesture that can be produced by rubbing your index finger against your thumb?
a) Pressing a virtual button
b) Twisting a virtual dial
c) Pressing a virtual button and Twisting a virtual dial
d) Neither Twisting a virtual dial nor Pressing a virtual button
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Answer: b
Explanation: Example of soli intuitive virtual tools, you can rub your index finger against your thumb to simulate twisting a virtual dial.
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6. Using gestures to interact with augmented applications _________
a) Providing movement
b) Modifying a virtual menu
c) Changing the direction
d) Navigating a virtual menu
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Answer: d
Explanation: Using it to control smartwatches, one could readily imagine using gestures to interact with augmented or virtual reality applications, such as navigating a virtual menu.

7. Soli has ______
a) Small form factor
b) High power
c) High form factor
d) Medium power
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Answer: a
Explanation: Soli has a small form factor, and low power, soli is practically custom made for IoT devices. With the help of soli gesture functions can be performed.

8. Does smart phone use soli.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Smart home devices may also be a natural fit for soli- perhaps you could turn a light on or off by flicking your fingers at it.

9. RFID stands for ________
a) Radio Frequency Industry
b) Random Frequency Identification
c) Radio Flow Industry
d) Radio Frequency Identification
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the early years of IoT, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and sensor technologies were the focus. The concept has grown enormously during the last decade.

10. IoT describes where Internet provides _________
a) Network
b) Things
c) Architecture
d) Objects
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Answer: b
Explanation: IoT describes a system where Internet enabled “things” in the physical world equipped with sensors, actuators and capable of interacting with the environment are connected to the internet for monitoring and control of the physical “things”.

11. Is our technology out of sync.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Today’s technology can sometimes feel like it’s out of sync with our senses as we peer at small screens, flick and pinch fingers across smooth surfaces, and read tweets “written” by programmer created bots.

12. Do we have H2M communication.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: As people and companies prepare to adapt to the internet of things, with its ever winding focus on machine to machine communication, it’s a good time to ask where people will fit in. H2M-Human to Machine communication conversation can be done with gestures.

13. Is gesture technology important.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: b
Explanation: Gesture technology is important because when it is implemented correctly, it becomes something we barely think about. It can make basic interactions with everyday objects simple and intuitive.

14. _________ Is experimenting to turn human body in to sort of antenna.
a) Sony
b) Samsung
c) Ericcson
d) Lenovo
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ericcson is experimenting with a product it calls the connected paper to turn the human body into a sort of antenna.

15. Which company is trying to develop hand gestures into virtual controls?
a) Mahindra
b) Microsoft
c) Qualcomm
d) Google
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Answer: d
Explanation: Google’s project soli, which turns hand gestures into virtual controls – without the need for a virtual reality headset. Instead of a tiny sensor that fits onto a chip tracks at high speed and accuracy not just big arm waving gestures but also sub mm hand movement, using .radar

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – IOT.

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