IOT Questions and Answers – Open IoT Architecture

This set of IOT Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Open IoT Architecture”.

1. The number of elements in the Open IoT Architecture?
a) 6 elements
b) 8 elements
c) 7 elements
d) 3 elements
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Answer: c
Explanation: The 7 main elements are : sensor middleware (X-GSN), cloud data storage, scheduler, service delivery and utility manager, request definition, request presentation, configuration and monitoring.

2. Global Sensor Network is built for _________
a) Reducing cost and time for development
b) Reducing cost and increasing time for development
c) Increasing cost and increasing time for development
d) Increasing cost and decreasing time for development
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Answer: a
Explanation: GSN is developed on the observation that most of the requirements for the application development sensor network are same. Having each sensor network development using its own custom software not only increases the cost but also takes time for development and deployment.

3. One of the main characteristics of Linked Stream Data is “Live Streaming”.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Most of the data on the web is from sensing devices. To facilitate the integration of data from sensed devices and other sources, both sensor stream source and data are being enriched with schematic descriptions, creating Linked Stream Data. It shows the live data depending on our application.

4. The huge number of devices connected to the Internet of Things has to communicate automatically, not via humans. What is this called?
a) Skynet
b) Bot 2 Bot
c) Machine 2 Machine
d) Intercloud
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Answer: c
Explanation: Devices are connected to other devices like mobiles, laptops, etc, to communicate among themselves which is called machine to machine and that involves wireless communication techniques, serial connection and powerline connection.

5. Internet of Things needs a lot of network connection. What is the proposed “white Space” radio standard called?
a) Bluetooth
b) WiMax
c) Weightless
d) Zigbee
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Answer: c
Explanation: White space is nothing but gaps that sit in the frequency band used to broadcast digital TV. The development of so called “Weightless standard” is for the use of TV white space and for IOT/M2M purpose. The main intention is to reduce the cost and power utilization.

6. What is the sensor/protocol used in GSN?
a) HTTP protocol
b) CoAP protocol
c) MQTT protocol
d) XMPP protocol
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Answer: b
Explanation: Constrained Application Protocol is a specialized web transfer protocol which enables constrained devices to communicate over internet and it is required for GSN in transferring data stream.

7. Which is the core wrapper of GSN?
a) Serial
b) UDP
c) GPSTest
d) ZeroMQWrapper
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Answer: d
Explanation: Wrappers are classified as remote and local wrappers in GSN. Unlike them, the ZeroMQWrapper is a core wrapper which allows for publishing stream elements that are produced by a Virtual Sensor.

8. Open IoT ontology is extending the W3C SSN ontology which supports the description of the physical and processing structure of sensors.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sensors are not constrained to physical sensing devices, rather a sensor is anything that can calculate the value of the phenomenon. Thus, either a device or Computational process or a combination of them could play the role of a sensor.

9. Open IoT manages the registration, data acquisition, deployment of sensors and interconnected of objects, through which network?
a) GSN
b) X-GSN
c) LSM
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Answer: b
Explanation: The core fundamental concept in X-GSN is the virtual sensor, which can represent not only physical devices but in general any abstract or concrete entity that observes features of any kind.

10. Which environment does Global Sensor Network work on?
a) C++
d) C
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Answer: b
Explanation: GSN is expected to work in all standard computing environments. As Java is portable in nature which means that Java bytecode can execute on all platforms, GSN works on Java. C++, HTML and C are not portable in nature.

11. ___________ is a community that is working together to establish an IoT architecture.
a) Eclipse IoT
b) Red Hat
c) Intercloud
d) Bot 2 Bot
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Answer: a
Explanation: Eclipse IoT is a community that is working together to establish an IoT architecture based on open source technologies and standards.

12. _________ provides a middleware and application container for IoT gateway.
a) Eclipse Kura
b) Red Hat
c) Intercloud
d) Bot 2 Bot
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Answer: a
Explanation: Eclipse Kura provides a general purpose middleware and application container for IoT gateway services and includes everything for the edge, such as an application container or runtime environment.

13. _________ is a modular and cloud based platform.
a) Eclipse Kura
b) Red Hat
c) Intercloud
d) Eclipse Kapua
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Answer: d
Explanation: Eclipse Kapua is a module and cloud based platform that provides services required for real time data management and analytics.

14. Kapua also provides a core integration framework.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Kapua also provides a core integration framework and an initial set of core IoT services, including a device registry, and application enablement.

15. _________ an open source stack for gateways and the edge.
a) Eclipse Kapua
b) Red Hat
c) Intercloud
d) Eclipse Kura
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Answer: d
Explanation: Eclipse Kura, an open source stack for gateways and edge, and Eclipse Kapua, the first open source IoT cloud platform.

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