IOT Questions and Answers – IOT Gateway

This set of IOT Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “IOT Gateway”.

1. Gateway provides the connection between _________ and _________
a) Cloud and controller
b) Network and Cloud
c) Network and Controller
d) Controller and device
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Answer: a
Explanation: An Internet of Things (IoT) gateway is a physical device or software program that serves as the connection point between the cloud and controller, sensors and intelligent devices.

2. Sensors provide _______ data per second.
a) Hundreds of Hundreds of data
b) Hundreds of thousands of data
c) Tens of Hundreds of data
d) Tens of thousands of data
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Answer: d
Explanation: Sensors generate tens of thousands of data per second. Gateway processes the data at edge and minimizes the volume of data that needs to be forwarded to cloud.

3. Does IOT gateway provide security for the network.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: IOT Gateway is that it provides additional security for the IOT network and the data it transports.

4. A sensor uses which network?
a) LAN and HAN
b) HAN and PAN
c) LAN and PAN
d) LAN, PAN and HAN
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Answer: d
Explanation: Sensors usually have very limited capability in terms of networking connection. Your sensors can likely utilize Bluetooth networking connectivity. The protocols like LAN, HAN and PAN have a common property i.e., they can be directly connected to large networks like WAN or Internet.

5. Gateway software should be smart enough to handle ___________
a) GPS
b) Message
c) Logging
d) Sensors
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Answer: c
Explanation: Gateway software should be smart enough to handle system logging. It has to find the right balance between the number of log entries d=stored on the device and those sent to the data centre.
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6. Number of approaches gateway can be installed?
a) 2 approaches
b) 3 approaches
c) 4 approaches
d) 5 approaches
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Answer: b
Explanation: There are three main approaches for this issue
1. Factory Bootstrap
2. Server limited Bootstrap
3. Client Initiated Bootstrap.

7. Drawback of Factory Bootstrap?
a) It should not have many gateways
b) It should not have many devices
c) Complex circuit can’t be handled
d) It should have many gateways
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the factory bootstrap approach, it doesn’t scale well if your solution include a large number of the gates.

8. Central software management server communicates with the gateway devices in which approach?
a) Factory Bootstrap
b) Server initiated Bootstrap
c) Client Initiated Bootstrap
d) Bootstrap
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Answer: b
Explanation: In server initiated bootstrap, the central software management server communicates with the gateway device and deploys the proper version of the software to it.

9. Which mode assumes that it is the gateway’s responsibility to connect to the central repository server?
a) Factory Bootstrap
b) Server limited Bootstrap
c) Client Initiated Bootstrap
d) Bootstrap
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Answer: c
Explanation: Client initiated bootstrap mode assumes that it is the gateway’s responsibility to connect to the central repository server and download the proper version of the software. In this scenario, the gateway is required to have lightweight bootstrap software installed so it can communicate with the software management server.

10. The feature of IoT Gateway is the ability to download updates over-the-air.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: One important extremely feature of IoT Gateway is the ability to download updates over-the-air.

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