Hydraulic Machines Questions and Answers – Air Vessels

This set of Hydraulic Machines Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Air Vessels”.

1. A pressure vessel is used to hold _______
a) Air
b) Gases
c) Molecules
d) Solids
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Answer: b
Explanation: The pressure vessels in most turbomachinery are used to hold liquid and gasses at a pressure that is different from an ambient pressure.

2. Why do we need a maximum safe operating pressure?
a) Pressure vessel might explode
b) Temperature increase needs to be controlled
c) Heat transfer is rejected
d) Improve overall efficiency
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pressure vessels need to be operated under low conditions as they might explode due to increase in pressure. The pressure vessels in most turbomachinery are used to hold liquid and gasses at a pressure that is different from an ambient pressure.

3. When is a reciprocating pump used?
a) When quantity of liquid is small
b) When quantity of liquid is large
c) To pump high pressure
d) To pump low pressure
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Answer: a
Explanation: Reciprocating pump is used when the quantity of liquid is small. Because handling such small quantity liquids is difficult. Especially when the delivery pressure is quite large.

4. The maximum efficiency of the reciprocating pump is _________
a) 20
b) 50
c) 70
d) 85
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Answer: d
Explanation: Reciprocating pump is more favourable for small liquid quantities. As the chamber in the liquid is trapped, it has a stationary cylinder which contains a piston and a plunger. The maximum efficiency of the reciprocating pump is 85 percent.

5. A tank that is used to protect closed water heating systems is called ________
a) Pressure vessel
b) Expansion vessel
c) Heat vessel
d) Auto vessel
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Answer: b
Explanation: A tank that is used to protect closed water heating systems is called expansion vessel. It is essential for heating process of water.
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6. How is the construction of the vessel tested?
a) Uniform testing
b) Continuous testing
c) Pulsating test
d) Non-destructive testing
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Answer: d
Explanation: Pressure vessels are tested using non-destructive testing also called the NDT. It is a very essential method to determine the defects in the turbomachinery.

7. What does BPVC stand for?
a) Boiler and pressure vessel code
b) Boiler and pump vessel code
c) Boiler and pressure vessel clutch
d) Boiler and pump vessel clutch
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Answer: a
Explanation: BPVC stands for Boiler and pressure vessel code. It is a standard code for determining the pressure that the pressure vessels can withstand.

8. Which of the following is not an NDT type?
a) Ultrasonic
b) Liquid penetrant
c) Visual
d) Hammer test
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Answer: d
Explanation: Hammer test is not a non destructive type of testing. Some of the examples of destructive testing are ultrasonic, radiography, liquid penetrant and visual testing.

9. What is the full form of NDI?
a) Non-destructive intern
b) Non-destructive inspection
c) Non-destructive inkling
d) Non-destructive inertia
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Answer: b
Explanation: The full form of NDI is Non-destructive inspection. It is a very essential method to determine the defects in the turbomachinery.

10. NDT is a money and time saving technique.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: NDT is a money and time saving technique because it does not permanently alter the article that is being inspected. It does evaluation, trouble shooting and research work.

11. Where is the excess quantity of water from the pump accumulated?
a) Froth tube
b) Draft tube
c) Air vessels
d) Bicycle pump
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Answer: c
Explanation: The excess quantity of water is accumulated in air vessels. Air vessels help to maintain high temperature and pressure of fluid.

12. NDT relies upon _________
a) Electromagnetic radiation
b) Heat
c) Pressure change
d) Temperature
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Answer: a
Explanation: NDT relies upon sound and electromagnetic radiation. NDT is a money and time saving technique because it does not permanently alter the article that is being inspected. It does evaluation, trouble shooting and research work.

13. What is the shape of a pressure vessel?
a) Square
b) Spheres
c) Cones
d) All the shapes
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Answer: d
Explanation: Pressure vessel can be made of any shape. It is most commonly made up in spheres, cones , cylinders and cut into different sections with different cross sections.

14. Safety valve is used to ensure that the pressure in the vessels is not exceeded.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Safety valve is used to ensure that the pressure in the vessels is not exceeded. Safety valve is also called as the relief valve. It has an intricate design to serve this purpose.

15. Pressure vessel closures are used to _________
a) Avoid breakage
b) Avoid leakage
c) Retain structures
d) Maintain pressure
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Answer: c
Explanation: Pressure vessel closures are used for retaining structures. It is designed in such a way to provide quick access to pressure vessels, pipelines and filtration systems.

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