HTML Questions & Answers – Responsive Overview – 1

This set of HTML Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Responsive Overview – 1”.

1. Which of the following is a server-side solution for implementing responsive images?
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Answer: a
Explanation: Instead of implementing ideal responsive image with <picture> element, we can use a server-side solution with Adaptive image i.e. It was created by Matt Wilcox (

2. Which of the following is not included in the framework?
a) font sizes
b) css reset
c) button styles
d) forms
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Answer: d
Explanation: If we use the framework it can save a lot of time. Framework generally includes a width of the grid, button styles, CSS reset and many more other aspects to build a website.

3. How many columns are there in the basic grid of a skeleton?
a) 17
b) 12
c) 16
d) 10
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Answer: b
Explanation: Skeleton is a minimal responsive framework. It is 960 pixels wide with 12 columns in its basic grid. The grid is responsive by integrating CSS3 media queries. It is also called the framework. It is a good place for starting with the Grid System.

4. Bootstrap was first introduced in ______
a) google
b) twitter
c) instagram
d) snapchat
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Answer: b
Explanation: Bootstrap was built by Mark Otto and for internal use in Twitter. It was launched as a free software for the public. Bootstrap is packed with styled user interface components such as button navigation, forms, custom jQuery plugins like popover, model box and carousal.

5. Which is not a tool to build responsive websites?
a) skeleton
b) bookmarklets
c) code editors
d) web browsers
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Answer: a
Explanation: We need several tools to build our website. To build a responsive website we need web browsers, responsive bookmarklets, code editors for responsive design testing.
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6. Linux does not have code editor ___________
a) Geany
b) Gedit
c) BlueFish
d) WebMatrix
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Answer: d
Explanation: Code editor is equipment for developing a website. There are many editors available in Windows, Linux and OS X. Linux has Geany, Gedit, BlueFish. Windows have WebMatrix, TextPad, Notepad++. OS X has MacVim, Brackets, TextWrangler.

7. Which is not bookmarklet?
a) Screen Fly
b) Resizer
d) Brackets
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Answer: d
Explanation: Bookmarklet is a sort of emulator tool for testing responsive design. It resizes the dimension of viewable area in the browser. There are various bookmarklets available like, Resizer, Adobe Edge Inspect, Screen Fly, RWD demonstration, ResponsivePX, Responsinator.

8. Which of the following is not a CSS preprocessor?
b) Sass
c) Stylus
d) Screen Fly
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Answer: d
Explanation: CSS capabilities can be extended by CSS preprocessors. By using it we can compose CSS in more dynamic ways. They allow us to use variables and functions in programming languages like JavaScript, PHP. There are several CSS preprocessors available such as LESS, Stylus, Sass.

9. For style foundation Bootstrap uses ____________
b) Sass
c) Resizer
d) Stylus
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Answer: a
Explanation: These are some CSS preprocessors that have been adopted in responsive frameworks. Bootstrap utilizes LESS as its style foundation. Foundation uses Sass in styling.

10. Which of the following is not a CSS preprocessor compiler?
c) ScoutApp
d) Simpless
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Answer: b
Explanation: LESS and Sass are written in a language that browsers do not recognize. So there are compilers available to compile CSS preprocessors. Some of them are Less.js, WinLESS,, Simpless, ScoutApp, ChrunchApp, Terminal or Command Prompt, Codekit, CompassApp.

11. Which compiler does not support LESS language?
a) Simpless
b) ScoutApp
d) WinLESS
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Answer: b
Explanation: LESS can be compiled on Less.js, WinLESS,, ChrunchApp, Simpless, Codekit. These compilers are free of cost. can only be supported on OS X and WinLESS only on Windows.

12. Which of the following is not a feature associated with LESS?
a) Variable
b) PHP
c) Opertaion
d) Parametric mixins
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Answer: b
Explanation: LESS is based on JavaScript. It was created by Alexis Sellier. LESS allows composing styles with some programming features. Some of them are Variables, Parametric mixins, Nesting rules, Operation, Mixins.

13. Sass is based on ___________
a) Ruby
b) jQuery
c) JavaScript
d) PHP
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sass is Ruby-bases CSS preprocessor. It was created by Hampton Catlin, Nathan Weizenbaum and Chris Eppstein. It is like LESS, it can add variables, mixins and nesting rules, with a little difference.

14. Which font is default in Skeleton sets?
a) Helvetica Neue
b) Ariel
c) sans-serif
d) Calibri
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Answer: a
Explanation: Skeleton sets Helvetica Neue and Helvetica as the default font in body document. If these fonts are not available, it will apply Ariel or default sans-serif fonts to the user’s machine.

15. Adjacent sibling selector is defined with the notation _____________
a) #
b) $
c) %
d) +
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Answer: d
Explanation: Adjacent sibling selector is defined with a plus (+) notation. It selects the element that directly follows the previous element that was specified. E.g. if we have <div> element that is followed by <p> element.

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