This set of HTML Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Linking to Other Sites & Email Links and its Decoration”.
1. target attribute cannot have?
a) _blank
b) _self
c) _parent
d) _color
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Explanation: Target attribute can have values _blank, _self, _parent, _top and filename. _blank opens the linked document in a new tab window or tab, _self opens linked document in the same window, _parent opens linked document in the parent frame.
2. Which of the following opens linked document in full body?
a) _blank
b) _top
c) _parent
d) framename
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Explanation: _parent opens linked document in parent frame, _top opens the linked document in full body of the window, framename opens the linked document in a named frame,
e.g. <a href= target= “_parent”> Visit The site !! </a>.
3. Which attribute is used to link the bookmark?
a) href
b) id
c) target
d) <img>
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Explanation: href attribute is used to link the bookmark. The id attribute is for defining bookmarks in a page, target attribute is for specifying where to open linked document i.e. in new tab, same frame, parent frame, full body of the window etc.
4. Which of the following sets the color of a link before it has been clicked on?
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Explanation: LINK set the color of a link before it has been clicked on, ALINK set the color of a link when a link is clicked on, VLINK set the color of a link after it has been clicked on, here A and V stands for Active and Visited.
5. What is used for specifying an email to be sent?
a) mailto:
b) target
c) id
d) href
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Explanation: Target attribute is for specifying where to open linked document i.e. in a new tab, same frame, parent frame, full body of the window etc. We use mailto: with <a> and href for specifying the email address that we want to be sent to. It will open a new email message and address to a person specified in the link. The email link will appear like a normal link. The id attribute is for defining bookmarks in a page.
6. Which of the following is not the parameter for email link?
a) body
b) bcc
c) cc
d) #
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Explanation: There are various parameters used for email links like mailto, bcc, body, cc, subject, ‘&’, ‘?’. mailto: is used for e-mail recipient address, bcc is for blind carbon copy mail address, cc is for carbon copy e-mail address, subject is for the subject of the e-mail, ‘?’ is first parameters delimiter.
7. Which one of the following is used for space character?
a) %50
b) %60
c) %20
d) %10
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Explanation: %50 represent a capital letter P. %60 specifies “`” symbol. %20 represents space character.
<a href=mailto:[email protected]? Cc=[email protected]&bcc=[email protected]& subject=The%20subject%20is&body=The%20body%20is”> mail with cc, bcc, subject and body</a>
. A data link escape is shown by %10.
8. What will add line break in the body of mail?
a) %20
b) %0D%0A
c) %0h%0A
d) %10
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Explanation: %20 represents space character. A data link escape is shown by %10. %0D%0A will add a newline in the text of the body.
<a href="mailto:[email protected]?body=Hello%0D%0AEveryone!!">Send mail</a>
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