This set of HTML Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “HTML5 Semantics & YouTube Videos”.
1. Which element is known as HTML plaintext element?
a) <plaintext>
b) <shadow>
c) <spacer>
d) <noembed>
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Explanation: <plaintext> element renders everything following start tag as raw text, without interpreting any HTML. There is no need for closing tag since everything written after this tag is considered as raw text. <shadow> element is an obsolete part of web component which is used to shadow DOM objects. <spacer> element allows insertion of spaces in documents. <noembed> is an obsolete non-standard which provides fallback to the content of browser.
2. Which element allows insertion of empty spaces on pages?
a) <strike>
b) <spacer>
c) <shadow>
d) <plaintext>
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Explanation: HTML <strike> element places horizontal line through text. <spacer> is an obsolete HTML element. It allows insertion of empty spaces on pages. It was devised by Netscape to accomplish same effect as single-pixel layout image. <spacer> no longer supported by any major browser and same effects can be achieved by using CSS. <plaintext> element renders everything following start tag as raw text, without interpreting any HTML. <shadow> element is an obsolete part of web component which is used to shadow DOM objects.
3. Which element is known as HTML Example Element?
a) <spacer>
b) <strike>
c) <xmp>
d) <shadow>
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Explanation: HTML <strike> element places horizontal line through text. <spacer> is an obsolete HTML element. It allows insertion of empty spaces on pages. HTML Example Element <xmp> renders text between start and end tags without interpreting HTML in between and using monospaced font. HTML2 specification recommended that it should be rendered wide enough to allow 80 characters per line. <shadow> element is an obsolete part of web component which is used to shadow DOM objects.
4. Which attribute specify a column name from the data source object?
a) datafld
b) codebase
c) hspace
d) datasrc
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Explanation: datafld attribute is supported by Internet Explorer 4 and its higher versions. It specifies column name from the data source object that supplies bound data. This attribute may be used to specify various <param> elements passed to Java applet. Codebase gives absolute or relative URL of directory. In applet, hspace provides horizontal space on both of sides. HTML datasrc attribute used for data binding.
5. Which attribute is used for data binding?
a) name
b) datafld
c) datasrc
d) mayscript
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Explanation: The name attribute gives name to applet. Datafld attribute specify a column name from the data source object. It is like datafld attribute. It is used for data binding under Internet Explorer 4. It indicates id of data source object that supplies data that is bound to <param> elements associated with an applet. Access to applet is given by mayscript attribute.
6. Which attribute assigns a name to the applet?
a) name
b) vspace
c) src
d) object
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Explanation: name attribute assigns a name to the applet so that it can be identified by the other resources especially for some particular scripts. Additional vertical space is specified by vspace attribute in pixels. Additional vertival space above or below applet is given by vspace attribute. Src attribute provides absolute URL for file or applet. Object attribute is URL representation of applet.
7. Which value is there for autoplaying the YouTube video?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) infinite
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Explanation: We can play our video automatically when the user visits the page by adding a simple parameter to a YouTube URL. When the value is set to be 0 the value will not play automatically when the player loads. It is the default value. When the value is set to be 1 the video will play automatically when the player loads.
8. Which element is used for YouTube videos?
a) <iframe>
b) <frame>
c) <small>
d) <samp>
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Explanation: We can host our videos through YouTube and can easily embed them into our website. <iframe> tag will be used for YouTube videos.
E.g. <iframe width=”670” height=”612” src= “”> </iframe>
9. HTML object tag to embed multimedia will not embed in ___________
a) audio
b) video
c) Java applets
d) images
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Explanation: We can use HTML object tag to embed multimedia like video, audio, Java applets, PDF, Flash, ActiveX in the web pages. For embedding video in HTML without iframe tag we can use object tag.
10. video ID can be substituted by _____________
a) “videoseries?list=”
b) “videoseries.list=”
c) “videoseries/list=”
d) “videoseries$list=”
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Explanation: We can modify the embed code for an individual video by substituting video ID after “embed/” with “videoseries?list=”, then paste playlist ID after “=”, paste the code into the blog or Website HTML.
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