Horn Antenna Questions and Answers – Design – 2

This set of Antennas Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Design – 2”.

1. HPBW of E-plane horn is (in degrees) _____
a) \(\frac{56λ}{h_e} \)
b) \(\frac{67λ}{h_e} \)
c) \(\frac{λ}{56h_e} \)
d) \(\frac{λ}{67h_e} \)
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Answer: a
Explanation: HPBW of E-plane horn is \(\frac{56λ}{h_e} \) where he the aperture dimension of E-plane horn.

2. HPBW of H-plane horn is (in degrees) _____
a) \(\frac{56λ}{h_h} \)
b) \(\frac{67λ}{h_h} \)
c) \(\frac{λ}{56h_h} \)
d) \(\frac{λ}{67h_h} \)
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Answer: b
Explanation: HPBW of H-plane horn is \(\frac{67λ}{h_h} \) where hh the aperture dimension of H-plane horn.

3. HPBW of E-plane horn with aperture dimension 10 λ in degrees is ____
a) 56
b) 67
c) 5.6
d) 6.7
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Answer: c
Explanation: HPBW of E-plane horn is \(\frac{56λ}{h_e} = \frac{56λ}{10λ}=5.6\).

4. HPBW of E-plane horn with aperture dimension 10 λ in degrees is ____
a) 56
b) 67
c) 5.6
d) 6.7
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Answer: d
Explanation: HPBW of H-plane horn is \(\frac{67λ}{h_h} = \frac{67λ}{10λ}=6.7\).

5. What is the physical area of the rectangular horn antenna with E-plane aperture 5 λ and H-plane aperture 4 λ?
a) 20λ2
b) 10λ2
c) 0.8
d) 9 λ
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Answer: a
Explanation: The physical area of rectangular horn is A = hh×he=5λ×4λ=20 λ2
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6. Physical area of a conical horn antenna of radius 5cm is____
a) 25π
b) 6.15π
c) 2.5π
d) 25
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Answer: a
Explanation: Physical area of conical horn A=πr2=π×52=25π.

7. Flare angle of horn antenna when axial length l and path difference δ is given is _____
a) \(θ= 2 cos^{-1}⁡\frac{l}{l+δ} \)
b) \(θ= cos^{-1}⁡\frac{l}{l+δ} \)
c) \(θ= 2 cos^{-1}⁡\frac{l}{l-δ} \)
d) \(θ= cos^{-1}⁡\frac{l}{l-δ} \)
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Answer: a
Explanation: Flare angle of horn antenna when axial length l and path difference d is given is
\(θ= 2 cos^{-1}⁡\frac{l}{l+δ} \).

8. Flare angle (in degrees) of horn antenna when axial length 10λ and path difference δ = 0.3λ is given is _____
a) θ = 1.386
b) θ = 2.772
c) θ = 27.72
d) θ = 13.86
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Answer: c
Explanation: Flare angle of horn antenna when axial length l and path difference d is given is
\(θ = 2 cos^{-1}⁡\frac{l}{l+δ}=2 cos^{-1}⁡\frac{10λ}{10.3λ}=27.72\)

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