Heat Transfer Questions and Answers – Dielectric Heating

This set of Heat Transfer Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Dielectric Heating”.

1. Which one of the following materials are quickly heated by applying high frequency?
a) Textiles
b) Engines
c) Rubber
d) Coal
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Answer: a
Explanation: They can be heated at high voltage alternating current to the plated of the condenser.

2. Generally heat generated depends on some parameters. It is directly proportional to
a) Time
b) Conductivity
c) Voltage
d) Distance between plates
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Answer: c
Explanation: It generally depends on the voltage as directly proportional.

3. Consider a 1.2 m thick slab of poured concrete (k = 1.148 W/m degree) with both of side surfaces maintained at a temperature of 20 degree Celsius. During its curing, chemical energy is released at the rate of 80 W/m3. Workout the maximum temperature of concrete
a) 30.73 degree celsius
b) 29.73 degree celsius
c) 28.73 degree celsius
d) 27.73 degree celsius
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Answer: b
Explanation: t = q g (δ – x) x/2 k + t w = 29.73 degree celsius.

4. The insulating material used in dielectric heating is
a) Coal
b) Silver
c) Coin
d) Wool
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Answer: d
Explanation: Wool is good for heat conduction and from a dielectric heating point of view.

5. A composite slab consists of 5 cm thick layer of steel (k = 146 kJ/m hr degree) on the left side and a 6 cm thick layer of brass (k = 276 kJ/m hr degree) on the right hand side. The outer surfaces of the steel and brass are maintained at 100 degree Celsius and 50 degree Celsius. The contact between the two slabs is perfect and heat is generated at the rate of 4.2 * 10 5 k J/m2 hr at the plane of contact. The heat thus generated is dissipated from both sides of composite slab for steady state conditions. Calculate the temperature at the interface
Find the temperature at the interface if heat is generated at rate of 4.2 * 10 5 k J/m2
a) 115.26 degree celsius
b) 125.26 degree celsius
c) 135.26 degree celsius
d) 145.26 degree celsius
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Answer: b
Explanation: Q 1 + Q 2 = Q g. Q 1 = k 1 A 1 t i – t 1)/δ 1 and Q 2 = k 2 A 2 t i – t 2)/δ 2.
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6. Unit of specific resistance is
a) Ohm mm2/m
b) Ohm mm2
c) Ohm/m
d) Ohm mm/m
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Answer: a
Explanation: Specific resistance is also known as resistivity (ρ), and it measures how strongly a material opposes the flow of electric current. It is represented by the following formula:
ρ = RA/L (Where R is resistance, A is area of the cross section and L is the length of the material).
So the unit will be Ohm m2/m = Ohm m. In reality, the cross section of a specimen (wire) is very small and expressed in mm. So, it can also be re-written as Ohm mm2/m.

7. What maximum thickness of concrete can be poured without causing the temperature gradient to exceed 98.5 degree Celsius per meter anywhere in the slab? Consider a 1.2 m thick slab of poured concrete (k = 1.148 W/m degree) with both of side surfaces maintained at a temperature of 20 degree Celsius. During its curing, chemical energy is released at the rate of 80 W/m3. Workout the maximum temperature of concrete
a) 2.64 m
b) 3.64 m
c) 4.64 m
d) 5.64 m
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Answer: b
Explanation: d t/d x = q g (δ – 2 x)/2 k. The temperature is largest at x = 0.

8. Dielectric heating apparatus consists of
a) 4 electrodes
b) Elemental strip
c) No Insulating material
d) 4 plates
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Answer: b
Explanation: It consists of an elemental strip in the middle of the system.

9. The given expression can be used to solve the electrode temperature t w1 and t w2
q g δ = h 1 α 1 + h 2 α 2
Where, α 1 = A (t w 2 – t a) and α 2 = (t w1 – t a).
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: α 1 = A (t w 1 – t a) and α 2 = (t w2 – t a).

10. A slab of insulating material of thickness 6 cm and thermal conductivity 1.4kJ/m hr deg is placed between and is in contact with two parallel electrodes, and is then subjected to high frequency dielectric heating at a uniform rate of 140,000kJ/m3 hr. At steady state coefficients of combined radiation and convection are 42 and 48 kJ/m2 hr deg. If atmospheric temperature is 25 degree Celsius, find surface temperatures?
a) 144.10 degree Celsius and 134.47 degree Celsius
b) 123.50 degree Celsius and 154.34 degree Celsius
c) 121.60 degree Celsius and 115.45 degree Celsius
d) 165.40 degree Celsius and 165.45 degree Celsius
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Answer: c
Explanation: α = -q g x2 /2k + h 1 α 1/k + α 1. At x =0.06 m and α = α 2, α 2 = -180 + 2.8 α 1. Also q g A δ = h 1 α 1 + h 2 α 2.

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