This set of Heat Transfer Operations Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Jacketed Vessels and Internal Coils”.
1. Impellers are used to promote agitation and thoroughly mix the solution for maximum heat transfer rate (Forced Convection). Recognize this impeller.
a) Paddle blades
b) Propeller agitator
c) Simple turbine impeller
d) Helical ribbon impeller
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Explanation: The blades showed in figure is called Paddle Blades, these may be flat or pitched. At low speed the flat blades produce a tangential motion to the liquid and the pitched blades at high speed establish a radial flow pattern.
2. Impellers are used to promote agitation and thoroughly mix the solution for maximum heat transfer rate (Forced Convection). Recognize this impeller.
a) Paddle blades
b) Propeller agitator
c) Simple turbine impeller
d) Helical ribbon impeller
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Explanation: The impellers shown in figure resemble airplane propellers and are hence called Propeller agitator, these usually operate at high speed and produce an axial flow pattern in the liquid.
3. Impellers are used to promote agitation and thoroughly mix the solution for maximum heat transfer rate (Forced Convection). Recognize this impeller which operates at very high speed.
a) Paddle blades
b) Propeller agitator
c) Simple turbine impeller
d) Helical ribbon impeller
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Explanation: The figure shown represents Turbine mixers, which operate at high speed in low viscosity liquids. The blades may be flat or curved depending upon the operation whether we need axial or radial mixing.
4. Recognise the Heat Exchanger given below.
a) Internal Coil
b) Half Coil Jacketed Vessel
c) Dimpled Jacket
d) Conventional Jacketed Vessel
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Explanation: The Jacket installed outside the vessel is plain and has no breaks, it flows in a particular direction and baffles can be added, such arrangement is commonly known as Dimple Jacketed Vessel.
5. What is the name of the following setup?
a) Internal Coil
b) Half Coil Jacketed Vessel
c) Dimpled Jacket
d) Conventional Jacketed Vessel
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Explanation: The Jacket in the given setup is installed outside the vessel has dimples which provide turbulence to the flow, such arrangement is commonly known as Dimple Jacketed Vessel.
6. Name the following Setup.
a) Internal Coil
b) Half Coil Jacketed Vessel
c) Limpet Coil
d) Conventional Jacketed Vessel
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Explanation: The coil in the given setup is installed outside the vessel, and the coils break at certain instants between the joining, such arrangement is commonly known as Half Coil Jacketed Vessel.
7. What is the correct name for the following agitator?
a) Helical ribbon impeller
b) Anchor Impeller
c) Simple turbine impeller
d) Paddle type impeller
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Explanation: The given figure is that of an Anchor Impeller. Anchor impellers usually operate at low speed, much of the disturbance within the liquid occurs close to the vessel wall.
8. Name the following impeller.
a) Helical ribbon impeller
b) Anchor Impeller
c) Simple turbine impeller
d) Paddle type impeller
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Explanation: The figure is that of a helical ribbon impeller. In this setup, agitation at the wall is achieved by the close clearances between the blade and the wall surface and the helical design also imparts turbulence within the core of liquid.
9. What is the name of the following setup?
a) Internal Coil
b) Half Coil Jacketed Vessel
c) Limpet Coil
d) Conventional Jacketed Vessel
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Explanation: The coil in the given setup is installed inside the vessel, such arrangement is commonly known as Internal Coils.
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