This set of Hazardous Waste Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Site Remediation Technologies”.
1. DoD cleanup policy is determined centrally under the __________
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Explanation: DoD cleanup policy is determined centrally under the Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP). DERP includes two major components, Other Hazardous Waste Operations (OHW) and the Installation Restoration Program (IRP).
2. The __________ program for the cleanup of closed or abandoned hazardous waste sites is administered by EPA.
a) Superfund
c) NPL
d) HPS
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Explanation: The Superfund program for the cleanup of closed or abandoned hazardous waste sites is administered by EPA under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).
3. Which of the following is EPA’s demonstration program for innovative cleanup technologies?
a) NPL
b) HPS
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Explanation: EPA is encouraging on active research and demonstration program for innovative cleanup technologies, it includes Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program and the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program.
4. __________ are the most common contaminants in hazardous sites according to EPA data analysis.
a) VOC
b) Metals
c) PAH
d) PCB
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Explanation: Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are the most common contaminants, followed by metals and semi-volatile organic compounds. Chlorinated VOC are the most common organic contaminant, followed by other VOC, PCB, PAH, and phenols.
5. The use of __________ technologies for all types of VOCs is expected to continue according to EPA analysis.
a) SBE
b) SVE
c) SAP
d) SAL
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Explanation: The use of soil vapor extraction (SVE) technologies for all types of VOCs is expected to continue at current levels, and may even increase according to EPA analysis.
6. USTs containing petroleum products are regulated by RCRA.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Underground storage tanks (USTs) containing petroleum products or hazardous chemicals are also regulated under RCRA. Tank owners are responsible for remediation.
7. __________ soil remediation technology uses liquids and mechanical processes to scrub soils.
a) SVE
b) Soil washing
c) NPL
d) HPS
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Explanation: Soil washing is a soil remediation technology which uses liquids (usually water, occasionally combined with solvents) and mechanical processes to scrub soils.
8. __________ soil remediation technology is used for remediating unsaturated soils contaminated with SVOC.
a) SVE
b) Soil washing
c) NPL
d) HPS
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Explanation: Soil vapor extraction (SVE), also known as soil venting or vacuum extraction, is an accepted, recognized, and cost-effective technology for remediating unsaturated soils contaminated with VOCs and SVOCs.
9. Which of the following technique is successful in treating petroleum hydrocarbons?
a) SVE
b) Soil washing
c) NPL
d) Landfarming
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Explanation: Landfarming is an above-ground remediation technology that reduces the concentration of petroleum constituents present in soils through processes associated with bioremediation.
10. Soil flushing is accomplished by passing an extraction fluid through in-place soils using an injection or infiltration process.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In situ soil flushing is an innovative remediation technology that floods contaminated soils with a solution that moves the contaminants to an area where they can be removed.
11. __________ reduces the mobility of hazardous substances and contaminants in the environment.
a) SVE
b) Soil washing
c) Solidification
d) Landfarming
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Explanation: Solidification or stabilization, is a waste fixation technology, reduces the mobility of hazardous substances and contaminants in the environment through both physical and chemical means.
12. __________ solidification method is used for treating hydrocarbon-contaminated soil.
a) SVE
b) Soil washing
c) Asphalt batching
d) Landfarming
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Explanation: Asphalt batching, a stabilization or solidification method for treating hydrocarbon-contaminated soils, incorporates petroleum-laden soils into hot asphalt mixtures.
13. __________ solidification uses a powerful source of energy to melt soil.
a) SVE
b) Soil washing
c) Asphalt batching
d) Vitrification
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Explanation: Vitrification, or molten glass, is a method of stabilization/solidification that uses a powerful source of energy to melt soil or other earthen materials at extremely high temperatures (1600–2000 degree Celsius).
14. __________ in situ remediation technology that combines elements of bioventing and vacuum-enhanced pumping.
a) Bioslurping
b) Soil washing
c) Asphalt batching
d) Vitrification
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Explanation: Bioslurping is a new in situ remediation technology that combines elements of bioventing and vacuum-enhanced pumping to recover free product from the groundwater and soil.
15. __________ soil remediation process injects air into the contaminated media at a rate designed to maximize in situ biodegradation.
a) Bioslurping
b) Bioventing
c) Asphalt batching
d) Vitrification
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Explanation: The bioventing process injects air into the contaminated media at a rate designed to maximize in situ biodegradation and minimize or eliminate the off-gassing of volatilized contaminants to the atmosphere.
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