Hazardous Waste Management Questions and Answers – Chemistry and Process of Contamination

This set of Hazardous Waste Management MCQs focuses on “Chemistry and Process of Contamination”.

1. Motion of groundwater along with contaminants tend to form ________
a) Plume
b) Fume
c) Flume
d) Stack
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Answer: a
Explanation: Groundwater generally moves slowly, so do contaminants in ground water. Because of this slow movement, contaminants tend to remain concentrated in the form of a plume.

2. The size and speed of the plume depend on ________
a) Chemical
b) Contaminant
c) Lead
d) Sulphur
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Answer: b
Explanation: The size and speed of the plume depend on the amount and type of contaminant, its solubility and density, and the velocity of the surrounding ground water.

3. Contaminants from groundwater can also move into the ground water system through macropores.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Contaminants can also move into the ground water system through macropores i.e. root systems, animal burrows, abandoned wells, and other systems of holes and cracks that supply pathways for contaminants.

4. Under certain conditions, well pumping can cause the ground water contaminants to enter other aquifer, this is known as _________
a) Interaquifer leakage
b) Intraquifer leakage
c) Aquifer leakage
d) Micropore leakage
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Answer: b
Explanation: Under certain conditions, well pumping because ground water and associated contaminants from another aquifer to enter the one being pumped, this phenomenon is called interaquifer leakage.

5. Which of the following is a natural source of contamination?
a) Organic matter
b) Petroleum
c) Leachate
d) Septic system
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Answer: a
Explanation: Decaying organic matter, iron, manganese, arsenic, chlorides, fluorides, sulfates, or radionuclides, can become dissolved in ground water and leads to contamination.

6. Groundwater contamination from pesticide storage falls under ________ category source.
a) Agriculture
b) Commercial
c) Industrial
d) Residential
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Answer: a
Explanation: Contamination of groundwater from animal burial areas, animal feedlots, irrigation sites, fertilizer storage and pesticide storage falls under agricultural source of contamination.

7. Groundwater contamination from airports falls under ________ category source.
a) Agriculture
b) Commercial
c) Industrial
d) Residential
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Answer: b
Explanation: Contamination of groundwater from airports, auto repair parts, boat yards, construction sites, car wash, cemetery, dry cleansers etc. falls under commercial source of contamination.

8. Groundwater contamination from asphalt plants falls under ________ category source.
a) Agriculture
b) Commercial
c) Industrial
d) Residential
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Answer: c
Explanation: Contamination of groundwater from asphalt plants, chemical storage, electronics manufactures, metal fabricators, mining, toxic spill etc. falls under commercial source of contamination.

9. Groundwater contamination from fuel oil falls under ________ category source.
a) Agriculture
b) Commercial
c) Industrial
d) Residential
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Answer: d
Explanation: Contamination of groundwater from fuel oil, furniture stripping, household hazardous products, sewer lines, swimming pools etc. falls under commercial source of contamination.

10. How groundwater contamination occurs from landfill?
a) Through leachate
b) Dust
c) Chemicals
d) Rodents
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Answer: a
Explanation: The disposal of many household hazardous wastes is not regulated. Once in the landfill, chemicals can leach into the ground water by means of precipitation and surface runoff.

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