Fluid Mechanics Questions and Answers – Hydrostatic Force on Plane Area – 2

This set of Fluid Mechanics test focuses on “Hydrostatic Force on Plane Area – 2”.

1. The greatest and the least depth of a circular plate of 4 m diameter from the free surface of water are 3m and 1 m respectively as shown. What will be the total pressure in (kN) on the plate?
Find total pressure on plate if greatest & least depth of circular plate of 4 m diameter
a) 123
b) 185
c) 246
d) 308
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Answer: c
Explanation: Total liquid pressure on the lamina = F = γyA, where γ = specific weight of the liquid, y = depth of centroid of the lamina from the free surface, A= area of the centroid. Now, γ = 9.81 * 103 N / m3; y = 1 + 3 – 1 / 2 – 2m, A = π4 * 42 = 4π m2. Hence, F = 246.55 kN.

2. The greatest and the least depth of a circular plate of 4 m diameter from the free surface of water are 3m and 1 m respectively as shown. What will be the depth (in m) of it’s centre of pressure?
Find total pressure on plate if greatest & least depth of circular plate of 4 m diameter
a) 1.125
b) 1.25
c) 2.125
d) 2.25
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Answer: c
Explanation: The depth of the centroid y and the centre of pressure yCP are related by:
The depth of the centroid y & the centre of pressure yCP
where I= the moment of inertia and A = area and θ = the angle of inclination of the lamina to the horizontal. Now,
y = 1 + 3 – 1 / 2 = 2, I = π64 * 42 = 4π, A = π4 * 42 = 4π, sin θ = 12 Thus, yCP = 2.125m.

3. The highest and lowest vertices of a diagonal of a square lamina (each side equal to 4m) are 1 m and 3 m respectively as shown. What will be the water force (in kN) on the lamina?
Find total pressure on plate if greatest & least depth of circular plate of 4 m diameter
a) 78
b) 118
c) 157
d) 196
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Answer: c
Explanation: Total liquid pressure on the lamina = F = γyA, where γ = specific weight of the liquid, y = depth of centroid of the lamina from the free surface, A= area of the centroid. Now, γ = 9.81 * 103 N / m3; y = 1 + 3 – 1 / 2 = 2m, each side of the lamina = Total liquid pressure on the lamina is F = γyA where γ is specific weight of the liquid
Hence, F = 156:96 kN.

4. The highest and lowest vertices of a diagonal of a square lamina (each side equal to 4m) are 1 m and 3 m respectively as shown. What will be the depth (in m) of it’s centre of pressure?
Find total pressure on plate if greatest & least depth of circular plate of 4 m diameter
a) 1.08
b) 1.58
c) 2.08
d) 2.58
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Answer: c
Explanation: Depth (in m) of it’s centre of pressure is 2.08 if I = the moment of inertia & A = area
where I = the moment of inertia and A= area and θ = the angle of inclination of the lamina to the horizontal. Now, y = 1 + 3 – 1 / 2 = 2m, each side of the lamina = =8; sin θ = 3-1/4 = 12. Thus, yCP = 2.08m.

5. A square lamina (each side equal to 2m) is submerged vertically in water such that the upper edge of the lamina is at a depth of 0.5 m from the water surface. If the pressure on the surface is 12 bar, what will be the total water pressure (in kN) on the lamina?
Find total water pressure on lamina if depth of 0.5 m from the water surface
a) 39
b) 59
c) 64
d) 71
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Answer: c
Explanation: Total liquid pressure on the lamina = F = γyA, where γ = specific weight of the liquid, y = depth of centroid of the lamina from the free surface, A= area of the centroid. Now, γ = 9.81 * 103 N / m3; Total liquid pressure on the lamina is F = γyA where γ = specific weight of the liquid A = 2 * 2 = 4 m2. Hence, F = 63.65 kN.

6. A container is lled with two liquids of densities ρ1 and ρ2 up to heights h1 and h2 respectively. What will be the hydrostatic force (in kN) per unit width of the lower face AB?
Find the hydrostatic force (in kN) per unit width of the lower face AB
a) ρ2g(h1 + h2)
b) ρ2g(h1 + \(\frac{h_2}{2}\))
c) ρ2g(\(\frac{ρ_1}{ρ_2}\)h1 + \(\frac{h_2}{2}\))
d) ρ2g(\(\frac{ρ_1}{ρ_2}\)h1 + \(\frac{h_2}{2}\))2
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Answer: c
Explanation: Total liquid pressure on the lamina = F = γyA, where γ = specific weight of the liquid, y = depth of centroid of the lamina from the free surface, A= area of the centroid. Now,
Total liquid pressure on the lamina = F = γyA if A is area of the centroid

7. A container is lled with two liquids of densities ρ and 2ρ up to heights h and eh respectively. What will be the ratio of the total pressure on the lower face AB and on the upper face BC?
Find the ratio of the total pressure on the lower face AB & on the upper face BC
a) 1 : 1
b) 3 : 1
c) 2 : 1
d) 3 : 2
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Answer: b
Explanation: Total liquid pressure on the lamina = F = γyA, where γ = specific weight of the liquid, y = depth of centroid of the lamina from the free surface, A= area of the centroid.
Total liquid pressure on lamina = F = γyA if y is depth of centroid of lamina

8. A container is lled with two liquids of densities ρ and 2ρ up to heights h and eh respectively. What will be the ratio of the depths of the centres of pressure of the upper face BC and the lower face AB?
Find the ratio of the total pressure on the lower face AB & on the upper face BC
a) 1 : 2
b) 3 : 4
c) 2 : 3
d) 3 : 2
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ratio of depths of centres of pressure of upper face BC & lower face AB is 2 : 3

9. A gate of length 5 m is hinged at A as shown to support a water column of height 2.5 m. What should be the minimum mass per unit width of the gate to keep it closed?
Find the minimum mass per unit width of the gate to keep it closed
a) 3608
b) 4811
c) 7217
d) 9622
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Answer: d
Explanation: To keep the gate closed, moment due to weight of the gate should be balanced by the moment due to the hydrostatic force.
The minimum mass per unit width of the gate to keep it closed is 9622
where m = mass of the plate, θ = angle of inclination to the horizontal, Fhyd = hydrostatic force on
the plate, x = distance of the point of action of Fhyd from the hinge point = 23 * 5 = 103
The gate should be balanced by the moment due to the hydrostatic force
Fhyd = γyA, where γ = specific weight of the liquid = 9.81 * 103 y = depth of the centre of pressure from the free surface = 2.5/2 = 1.25 and A = 5 * 1. Substituting all the values in the equation, we get m = 9622.5g.

10. A large tank is lled with three liquids of densities ρ1, ρ2 and ρ3 up to heights of h1, h2 and h3 respectively. What will be the expression for the instantaneous velocity of discharge through a small opening at the base of the tank? (assume that the diameter of the opening is negligible compared to the height of the liquid column)
Find expression for instantaneous velocity of discharge through opening at base of tank
a) \(\sqrt{2g(h_1 + h_2 + h_3)}\)
b) \(\sqrt{2g(\frac{ρ_1h_1+2ρ_2h_2+3ρ_3h_3}{ρ_1})}\)
c) \(\sqrt{2g(\frac{ρ_1h_1+\frac{1}{2}ρ_2h_2+\frac{1}{3}ρ_3h_3}{ρ_2})}\)
d) \(\sqrt{2g(\frac{ρ_1h_1+ρ_2h_2+ρ_3h_3}{ρ_3})}\)
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Answer: d
Explanation: Instantaneous velocity of discharge Find ratio of instantaneous velocities of discharge through small opening at base of tanks where h= height of the liquid column.
Expression for velocity of discharge through opening of tank is 2g(ρ1h1+ρ2h2+ρ3h3ρ3)

11. A large tank of height h is filled with a liquid of density ρ. A similar tank is half-filled with this liquid and other-halffi lled with another liquid of density 2ρ as shown. What will be the ratio of the instantaneous velocities of discharge through a small opening at the base of the tanks? (assume that the diameter of the opening is negligible compared to the height of the liquid column in either of the tanks)
Find ratio of instantaneous velocities of discharge through small opening at base of tanks
a) 2 : 3
b) 2 : √3
c) √2 : 3
d) √2 : √3
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Answer: d
Explanation: Instantaneous velocity of discharge Find ratio of instantaneous velocities of discharge through small opening at base of tanks where h= height of the liquid column.
Ratio of velocities of discharge through small opening at base of tanks is √2 : √3

12. A large tank of height h is half-filled with a liquid of density ρ and other half-filled with a liquid of density 4ρ. A similar tank is half-filled with a liquid of density 2ρ and other-half filled with another liquid of density 3ρ as shown. What will be the ratio of the instantaneous velocities of discharge through a small opening at the base of the tanks? (assume that the diameter of the opening is negligible compared to the height of the liquid column in either of the tanks)
Ratio of velocities of discharge through small opening at base of tanks is 1 : 1
a) 1 : 1
b) 1 : 2
c) 2 : 1
d) 1 : 3
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Answer: a
Explanation: Instantaneous velocity of discharge Find ratio of instantaneous velocities of discharge through small opening at base of tanks where h= height of the liquid column.
Instantaneous velocity of discharge where h is height of the liquid column
Find the ratio of the instantaneous velocities with liquid of density ρ

13. A large tank is filled with three liquids of densities ρ, 2ρ and 3ρ up to a height of h3 each. What will be the expression for the instantaneous velocity of discharge through a small opening at the base of the tank? (assume that the diameter of the opening is negligible compared to the height of the liquid column)
The expression for velocity of discharge through small opening at base of tank is 2gh
a) \(\sqrt{gh}\)
b) \(\sqrt{2gh}\)
c) \(2\sqrt{gh}\)
d) \(4\sqrt{gh}\)
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Answer: c
Explanation: Instantaneous velocity of discharge Find ratio of instantaneous velocities of discharge through small opening at base of tanks where h= height of the liquid column.
The expression for velocity of discharge with three liquids of densities ρ, 2ρ & 3ρ

14. A large tank is filled with three liquids of densities ρ, 2ρ and 3ρ up to heights of h6, h3 and h2 respectively. What will be the ratio of the instantaneous velocity of discharge through a small opening at the base of the tank in this case to that if the container is filled with the liquid of density ρ only? (assume that the diameter of the opening is negligible compared to the height of the liquid column)
Find ratio of velocity of discharge through small opening with liquid of density ρ
a) \(\sqrt{2} : \sqrt{3}\)
b) \(\sqrt{4} : \sqrt{3}\)
c) \(\sqrt{7} : \sqrt{4}\)
d) \(\sqrt{7} : \sqrt{3}\)
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Answer: d
Explanation: Instantaneous velocity of discharge Find ratio of instantaneous velocities of discharge through small opening at base of tanks where h= height of the liquid column.
Ratio of velocities of discharge through small opening at base of tanks is √:3

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