Fluid Mechanics Questions and Answers – Most Economic Trapezoidal Section

This set of Fluid Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Most Economic Trapezoidal Section”.

1. Determine the top width length of the most economical trapezoidal channel section having depth y and side slope Z.
a) \(\sqrt{1+Z^2}\)
b) \(\frac{y}{2} \sqrt{1+Z^2}\)
c) y\(\sqrt{1+Z^2}\)
d) 2y\(\sqrt{1+Z^2}\)
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Answer: d
Find top width length of most economical trapezoidal channel section having depth y

2. Estimate the hydraulic radius of the most economical trapezoidal channel section having depth y and side slope Z.
a) y2
b) y
c) 2y
d) 3y
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Answer: a
Find top width length of most economical trapezoidal channel section having depth y
R = \(\frac{y(B+Zy)}{B+2y\sqrt{1+Z^2}} = \frac{y(B+Zy)}{B+B+2Zy} = \frac{y}{2}\)

3. The top width of a most economical trapezoidal channel section is 7m and the side slope of the channel is 1H:2V, determine the depth of the channel section.
a) 2.13m
b) 3.13m
c) 4.13m
d) 5.13m
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Answer: b
Find hydraulic radius of most economical trapezoidal channel section having depth y

4. The top width of a most economical trapezoidal channel section is 8m, determine the hydraulic radius of the channel if the side slope is 1H:3V.
a) 1.8m
b) 1.9m
c) 2.0m
d) 2.1m
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Answer: b
Find hydraulic radius of channel if side slope is width of trapezoidal channel is 8m

5. The base of the most economical trapezoidal channel section is 6m and the side slope is 1H:2V, calculate the maximum discharge through the channel if the bed slope is 1 in 1000 and C = 50.
a) 120.61 m3/s
b) 110.61 m3/s
c) 100.61 m3/s
d) 90.61 m3/s
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Answer: c
Find the maximum discharge through the channel if the bed slope is 1 in 1000 & C = 50
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6. Calculate the maximum discharge through a trapezoidal section having depth 3m, side slope 1H:4V and bed slope of 1 in 2000. Given: n = 0.025.
a) 19.09 m3/s
b) 20.09 m3/s
c) 21.09 m3/s
d) 22.09 m3/s
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Answer: a
Find maximum discharge through trapezoidal section having depth 3m side slope 1H:4V

7. The wetted area of a most economical trapezoidal section is 21.58m2, base width of 5m and side slope of 1H:3V. Calculate the maximum discharge through the channel if the C=60 and S0=1/500.
a) 56.32 m3/ s
b) 66.32 m3/ s
c) 76.32 m3/ s
d) 86.32 m3/ s
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Answer: c
Find the maximum discharge through the channel if the C=60 & S0=1/500

8. Calculate the depth of the most economical trapezoidal channel section having wetted area equal to 50m2 and the side slope of 1H:5V.
a) 3.21m
b) 4.21m
c) 5.21m
d) 6.21m
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Answer: c
Find depth of the economical trapezoidal channel section having wetted area equal to 50m2

9. The wetted perimeter of the most economical trapezoidal section is 7.47m, the base width is 3m and has the side slope of 1H:2V.
a) 1m
b) 2m
c) 3m
d) 4m
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Answer: b
The wetted perimeter of the most economical trapezoidal section is 7.47m in figure

10. Calculate the maximum discharge through a trapezoidal channel if the wetted perimeter is 6.24m, side slope of 1H:2V and base width of 4m. Given: C=55 and S0=1/1500.
a) 3.52 m3/s
b) 4.52 m3/s
c) 5.52 m3/s
d) 6.52 m3/s
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Answer: b
Find maximum discharge through trapezoidal channel if perimeter is 6.24m slope of 1H:2V

11. The maximum discharge through the trapezoidal channel is 20 m3/s and the velocity of flow is 5 m/s. Calculate the base width of the channel if the side slope is 1H:4V.
a) 3.31m
b) 2.31m
c) 1.31m
d) 0.31m
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Answer: b
Find the base width of the channel if the side slope is 1H:4V

12. What is the side slope for the most economic trapezoidal channel having depth y and base width B?
a) \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\)
b) \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\)
c) \(\frac{1}{2}\)
d) \(\frac{1}{3}\)
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Answer: b
Find the side slope for most economic trapezoidal channel having depth y & base width B

13. What is the angle made by the sloping side when the trapezoidal channel discharges to the maximum extent?
a) 30°
b) 45°
c) 60°
d) 90°
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Answer: c
Find angle made by sloping side when trapezoidal channel discharges to the maximum extent

14. Calculate the maximum discharge through a trapezoidal channel if the depth is 5m.
a) 56.67 m3/s
b) 66.67 m3/s
c) 76.67 m3/s
d) 86.67 m3/s
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Answer: d
Find the maximum discharge through a trapezoidal channel if the depth is 5m

15. If the side slope angle in a trapezoidal section is 45° and it discharges to the maximize extent, calculate the top width of the channel section. Given: y = 4m
a) 10.31m
b) 11.31m
c) 12.31m
d) 13.31m
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Answer: b
Find top width of the channel section if side slope angle in a trapezoidal section

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