Fluid Mechanics Questions and Answers – Most Economic Circular Section – 1

This set of Fluid Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Most Economic Circular Section – 1”.

1. Estimate the wetted perimeter of a circular channel having radius R and depth d, if the angle subtended at the centre is Ɵ.
a) 2
b) RƟ
c) 2RƟ
d) 3RƟ
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Answer: c
Explanation: Find wetted perimeter of circular channel having radius R & depth d if angle subtended
Wetted Perimeter = Arc ABC
P = R(2Ɵ).

2. Calculate the wetted area of a circular channel having depth d and radius R.
a) R2 (\(\frac{2Ɵ-sin⁡2Ɵ}{2}\))
b) R2 (2Ɵ-sin⁡ 2Ɵ)
c) R2 sin⁡2Ɵ
d) R2 sin⁡Ɵ
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Answer: a
Find the wetted area of a circular channel having depth d & radius R

3. Determine the hydraulic radius of a circular section having depth d and radius R.
a) \(\frac{R(2Ɵ-sin⁡2Ɵ)}{4Ɵ}\)
b) \(\frac{R(2Ɵ-sin⁡Ɵ)}{2Ɵ}\)
c) 2R(Ɵ-sin⁡Ɵ)
d) R(Ɵ-sin⁡Ɵ)
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Answer: a
Find the hydraulic radius of a circular section having depth d & radius R

4. A circular channel section has water at a depth of 2m and the radius of the section is 4m, calculate the wetted area of the channel.
a) 6.87m2
b) 7.87m2
c) 8.87m2
d) 9.87m2
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Answer: d
Find the wetted area of the channel if circular channel section has water at a depth of 2m

5. Calculate the wetted perimeter of a circular channel if the depth of water is 2m and radius is 5m.
a) 9.27m
b) 10.27m
c) 11.27m
d) 12.27m
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Answer: a
Find wetted perimeter of circular channel if the depth of water is 2m & radius is 5m

6. Calculate the hydraulic radius of a circular channel having depth 6m and radius 4m.
a) 0.41m
b) 1.41m
c) 2.41m
d) 3.41m
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Answer: c
Find the hydraulic radius of a circular channel having depth 6m & radius 4m

7. Calculate the discharge through a circular channel section if the depth is 5m, radius of the circular section is 3m and the bed slope is 1 in 1000. Given: C = 50.
a) 25.74 m3/s
b) 26.74 m3/s
c) 27.74 m3/s
d) 28.74 m3/s
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Answer: c
Find discharge through circular channel if depth is 5m & radius of circular section is 3m

8. Estimate the discharge through a circular channel section having radius 4m and depth 3m if the channel bed slope is 1 in 2000. Given: n = 0.015.
a) 15.8 m3/s
b) 16.8 m3/s
c) 17.8 m3/s
d) 18.8 m3/s
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Answer: c
Find the discharge through a circular channel section having radius 4m & depth 3m

9. Calculate the hydraulic radius of a circular channel if the radius is 6m and the central angle is 70°.
a) 0.58m
b) 0.68m
c) 0.78m
d) 0.88m
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Answer: b
Find the hydraulic radius of circular channel if radius is 6m & the central angle is 70°

10. The hydraulic radius of a circular channel section is 0.33m, calculate the radius of the channel if the central angle is 60°.
a) 2m
b) 3m
c) 4m
d) 5m
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Answer: c
Find radius of channel if central angle is 60° if hydraulic radius of circular is 0.33m

11. The discharge through a circular channel section is 14.67m3/s and the velocity of flow is 1.47m/s, calculate the radius of the section if Ɵ = 75°.
a) 2m
b) 3m
c) 4m
d) 5m
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Answer: d
Find radius if Ɵ = 75° & discharge through circular channel section is 14.67m3/s

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