Fermentation Technology Questions and Answers – Fermenter Design – Body Construction

This set of Fermentation Technology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Fermenter Design – Body Construction”.

1. What is the basic function of the fermenter?
a) To sterilize the medium
b) To recover the product
c) To provide optimum growth conditions to organisms and obtain the desired product
d) To purify the product
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Answer: c
Explanation: The main function of the fermenter is to provide the optimum growth conditions for the growth of microorganisms and obtain the desired product. The recovery and purification of the product are the parts of downstream processing.

2. While constructing the fermenter, which of the following is not required?
a) High-speed Agitation and Aeration system
b) Temperature control system
c) pH control system
d) Sample facilities
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Answer: a
Explanation: In designing and constructing the fermenter, the fermenter must be provided with adequate aeration and agitation system. The agitation speed should not be higher and must not cause damage to the microorganisms.

3. Which of the following material is preferable for the construction of small-scale fermenter?
a) Quartz
b) Glass
c) Iron steel
d) Wood
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Answer: b
Explanation: The glass is the most preferred material for the construction of fermenters. It is transparent so that it is easy to visualize the interior of the glass vessel. Moreover, the glass is non-toxic and corrosion proof.

4. The largest diameter for glass fermenter is _____________
a) 50 cm
b) 70 cm
c) 60 cm
d) 80 cm
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Answer: c
Explanation: The largest practical diameter for the glass fermenter is 60 cm. This was discovered by Cowan and Thomas in 1988. The glass containers were made up of borosilicate battery jars. The glass vessels must be sterilized before using them.

5. Which of the following institute grades the steel?
c) JSW
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Answer: b
Explanation: The American Iron and Steel Institute grades the steel. It is one of the oldest associations in North America. TATA, JSW Steel, SAIL are the associations for the manufacturing and the production of steel.

6. Which of the metal is used to make stainless steel?
a) Cr
b) Pb
c) Mn
d) Fe
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Answer: a
Explanation: Chromium is used to make stainless steel. The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) states that steels containing less than 4% chromium are classified as steel alloys and those containing more than 4% are classified as stainless steels.

7. Which of the following is not the property of Chromium film?
a) Non-porous
b) Soluble
c) Self-healing
d) Continuous
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Chromium film is non-porous, insoluble, self-healing, and continuous. If the film gets damaged then it gets healed by itself when exposed to air or an oxidizing agent.

8. Which of the following element does not enhances the property of stainless steel?
a) Nickel
b) Molybdenum
c) Silicone
d) Manganese
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Answer: d
Explanation: Nickel, Molybdenum, Silicone, Tungsten are the elements used to enhance the property of stainless steel. Nickel enhances resistance and improves engineering properties. Molybdenum improves the resistance against halogen salts. Corrosion resistance is improved by tungsten and silicone and a few other elements.

9. The AISI grade 316 contains _______ amount of chromium.
a) 15 %
b) 18 %
c) 20 %
d) 18.5 %
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Answer: b
Explanation: The AISI grade 316 steel contains 18 % chromium. In addition to chromium, 10% nickel and about 2 – 2.5 % of molybdenum is also used in the fermenter construction.

10. The AISI grade 317 contains ________ amount of molybdenum.
a) 5 – 10 %
b) 3 – 5 %
c) 1 – 2 %
d) 11 – 14 %
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Answer: b
Explanation: The AISI grade 317 contains 3 – 4 % of molybdenum. It was used in citric acid fermentation to prevent the leaching of heavy metals with steel which interferes in the process of fermentation.

11. The fermenter vessel should be reliable for the long-term.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The fermenter vessel should be reliable for long-term operations. It should be capable of being operated aseptically, must withstand fermentation temperatures and pressure and must meet the requirements of containment regulations.

12. The fermenter vessel must be provided with all the facilities for temperature, pH.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The fermenter must be provided with facilities like temperature control system, pH control system, Agitation and Aeration control system, etc. All these facilities are essential in the production of the desired product.

13. The hazard group criteria were given by ___________
a) Collins
b) Winkler
c) Park
d) Frommer
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Answer: a
Explanation: Collins in 1992 gave the criteria for placing non-genetically engineered organisms into a hazard group (1 to 4) to access risks. A detailed assessment of risk and ways to reduce it was given by Winkler and Park.

14. The Genetically engineered organisms are classified as ___________ and _____________
a) Harmless (Group II) and Potentially Harmful (Group I)
b) Harmless (Group I) and Potentially Harmful (Group II)
c) Potentially Harmless (Group I) and Harmful (Group II)
d) Harmless (Group II) and Harmful (Group I)
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Genetically engineered organisms are classified as Harmless (Group I) and Potentially Harmful (Group II). This was further classified into either small scale or Large scale according to the Health and Safety Executive document.

15. Collins hazard group criteria did not include _______________
a) The ease of prophylaxis and treatment
b) The routes of infection
c) The pathogenicity of a microorganism
d) The reproductive cycle of a microorganism
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Answer: d
Explanation: Collins hazard group criteria did not mention about the reproductive cycle of microorganism. It included the routes of infection, the pathogenicity of the organism, ease of treatment, number of organisms required to initiate an infection, amount of organism used in the fermentation process, etc.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Fermentation Technology.

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