Enzyme Technology Questions and Answers – Immobilized Enzymes – Production of Antibiotics

This set of Enzyme Technology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Immobilized Enzymes – Production of Antibiotics”.

1. Penicillin amidases are used in the production of different kinds of penicillins.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In conventional procedures of producing penicillin, specific hydrolysis of amide link may be possible and may also cause no hydrolysis of the intrinsically more labile, but pharmacologically essential b-lactam ring, are difficult to attain. For such hydrolysis, penicillin amidases become necessary. Hence the above statement is true.

2. Penicillin is produced from _____________
a) aminoacyclases
b) lactases
c) penicillin amidases
d) aspartase
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Answer: c
Explanation: Penicillin is produced from penicillin amidases by acting on benzylpenicillins and phenoxymethylpenicillins. Lactases are used to breakdown lactose to glucose and galactose. Aminoacyclase are used in the production of antibiotics. Aspartase is used in the production L-aspartic acid.

3. _____________ may be obtained from immobilizing Escherichia coli on a cyanogen bromide-activated Sephadex G200 support.
a) Raffinase
b) Lactase
c) Penicillin amidases
d) Aminoacyclase
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Answer: c
Explanation: Penicillin amidases may be obtained from immobilizing Escherichia coli on a cyanogen bromide-activated Sephadex G200 support. Immobilized raffinase is prepared by stirring Mortierella vinacea with the sugar beet juice in batch stirred tank reactors. Yeast lactase are immobilized by incorporation into cellulose triacetate fibers in batch-wise stirred tank reactors. Aminoacyclase is immobilised by adsorption to anion exchange resins and has an operational half-life of about 65 days at 50˚C in PBRs with residence times of about 30 min.

4. ___________ is produced by using immobilized Escherichia coli in batch or semi-continuous STR or PBR.
a) Penicillin
b) Ampicillin
c) L-aspartic acid
d) Urocanic acid
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Answer: a
Explanation: Penicillin is produced by using immobilized Escherichia coli in batch or semi-continuous STR or PBR. Ampicillin is produced by using immobilized Penicillin-G-amidase in a packed bed column. Immobilized aspartase may be prepared by entrapping Escherichia coli cells in a k-carageenan gel cross-linked with glutaraldehyde and hexamethylenediamine which helps in the production of L-aspartic acid. Immobilized histidase preparation consisting of heat-treated Achromobacter liquidum cells entrapped in a polyacrylamide gel which helps in conversion of L-histidine to urocanic acid.

5. ____________ is produced with the help of immobilized penicillin -G-amidase by adsorption to DEAE -cellulose in a packed bed column.
a) Penicillin
b) Ampicillin
c) L-aminoacids
d) L-aspartic acid
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Answer: b
Explanation: Ampicillin is produced with the help of immobilized penicillin -G-amidase by adsorption to DEAE -cellulose in a packed bed column. Penicillin is produced from immobilized penicillin amidases. L-aminoacids are produced by immobilized aminocyclases and L-aspartic acid is produced by immobilized aspartases.
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6. What does ‘X’ represent in the following reaction?
6-aminopenicillanic acid + D-phenylglyicine methyl ester \(_{\overrightarrow{Penicillin \,amidases}}\) X + methanol
a) Phenylacetic acid
b) Phenoxyacetic acid
c) Ampicillin
d) L-aspartic acid
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Answer: c
Explanation: 6-aminopenicillanic acid and D-phenylglyicine methyl ester in presence of penicillin amidases produces ampicillin, releasing methanol as the byproduct. Phenylacetic acid, Phenoxyacetic acid is produced as by products from benzyl-penicillin and phenoxymethyl-penicillin respectively while producing core components of penicillin. L-aspartic acid is produced from fumaric acid by aspartases.

7. What does ‘Y’ represent in the following reaction?
Benzyl-penicillin + water \(_{\overrightarrow{Penicillin \,amidases}}\) Phenylacetic acid + Y
a) 6-aminopenicillianic acid
b) Phenoxyacetic acid
c) Ampicillin
d) L-aspartic acid
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the above reaction, ‘Y’ represents 6-aminopenicillianic acid, a penicillin core component. This is produced by benzyl-penicillin in presence of penicillin amidases. Phenoxyacetic acid is produced as by product from phenoxymethyl-penicillin respectively while producing core components of penicillin. Ampicillin is produced from 6-aminopenicillianic acid. L-aspartic acid is produced from fumaric acid by aspartases.

8. What does ‘Z’ represent in the following reaction?
Phenoxymethyl-penicillin + water \(\underset{Z}{\rightarrow}\) 6-aminopenicillianic acid + Phenoxyacetic acid
a) Aspartases
b) Hydantoinase
c) Lactases
d) Penicillin amidases
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the above reaction ‘Z’ represents penicillin amidases which help in the production of penicillin from phenoxymethyl-penicillin. Aspartases converts fumaric acid to L-aspartic acid. Hydantoinase converts hydantoins to D-aminoacids. Lactases hydrolyzes lactose to glucose and galactose.

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