This set of Engineering Physics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Specific Heat and Thermodynamics”.
1. The internal energy change in a system that has absorbed 2kcal of heat and done 500 J of work is?
a) 6400 J
b) 5400 J
c) 7900 J
d) 8900 J
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Explanation: As Q=∆U+W
∆U=8400-500=7900 J.
2. 110 J of heat is added to a gaseous system, whose internal energy increases by 40 J. Then the amount of external work done is?
a) 150 J
b) 70 J
c) 110 J
d) 40 J
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Explanation: ∆Q=+110 J, ∆U=+4J
3. The molar specific heat constant pressure of an ideal gas is 7R/2. The ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to that at constant volume is?
a) 9/7
b) 8/7
c) 7/5
d) 5/7
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Explanation: Cp=7R/2
r=Cp/Cv = (7R/2)/(5R/2)=7/5.
4. The change internal energy in a cyclic process is ___________
a) Zero
b) Infinity
c) Constant
d) Unity
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Explanation: The change in internal energy in a cyclic process is zero because the system returns to its initial state.
5. It is possible that the temperature of the body changes even without giving heat to it or taking heat from it.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: During an adiabatic compression, temperature increases and an adiabatic expansion, temperature decreases, although no heat is given to or taken from the system in these changes.
6. The mechanical energy can be completely converted into heat energy but the whole of the heat energy cannot be converted into mechanical energy.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The whole of mechanical energy can be absorbed by the molecules of the system in the form of their kinetic energy. This kinetic energy gets converted into heat. But the whole of the heat energy cannot be converted into work as a part of it is always retained by the system as its internal energy.
7. Which statement is incorrect?
a) All reversible cycles have the same efficiency
b) Reversible cycle has more efficiency than an irreversible one
c) Carnot cycle is a reversible one
d) Carnot cycle has the maximum efficiency of the cycles
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Explanation: Work done per cycle = Area of the loop representing the cycle
As different reversible cycles may have different loop areas, their efficiencies will also be different.
8. Which is an intensive property?
a) Volume
b) Mass
c) Refractive index
d) Weight
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Explanation: An intensive property is that which does not depend on the quality of matter of the system. Refractive index is an intensive property. Volume, mass and weight are extensive properties.
9. The latent heat of vaporisation of water is 2,240 J. If the work done in the process of vaporisation of 1g is 168 J, then the increase in internal energy is?
a) 2408 J
b) 2240 J
c) 2072 J
d) 1904 J
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Explanation: From the first law of thermodynamics,
dQ = mL = dU + dW
dU = m L – dW = 1×2240-168
dU = 2072 J.
10. If the amount of heat given to a system is 35 J and the amount of work done by the system is -15J and the amount of work done by the system is -15J, then the change in the internal energy of the system is?
a) -50J
b) 20J
c) 30
d) 50J
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Explanation: ∆Q=∆U+∆W
11. Assertion: Reversible systems are difficult to find in the real world.
Reason: Most process is dissipative in nature.
a) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion
b) Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is not a correct explanation of the assertion
c) Assertion is true but the reason is false
d) Both assertion and reason are false
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Explanation: Both the assertion and reason are true. The energy consumed is doing work against dissipative forces cannot be recovered.
12. The change in internal energy, when a gas is cooled from 927° to 27° is?
a) 100%
b) 300%
c) 200%
d) 75%
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Explanation: U=nCv T
13. During adiabatic compression of a gas, its temperature ___________
a) Falls
b) Remains constant
c) Rises
d) Becomes zero
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Explanation: The work done on the gas during the adiabatic process increases its internal energy and hence its temperature rises.
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