Engineering Physics Questions and Answers – HoloGraphy

This set of Engineering Physics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “HoloGraphy”.

1. In holographic data storage, the information is stored in ______________
a) Pendrives
b) Cells
c) Crystals
d) Diode
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Answer: c
Explanation: Holography is used in holographic data storage. In this method, all the data is stored in crystals or photopolymers. It is mostly used in electronic data storage devices.

2. The technique by which image is obtained from a hologram is called as ____________
a) Formation
b) Construction
c) Reconstruction
d) Projection
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Answer: c
Explanation: The process of generation of an image from a hologram is called reconstruction. In the process, a wave called reconstruction wave illuminates the hologram, thus giving rise to the desired image.

3. Which of the following is used for the formation of holograms?
a) X-ray
b) Visible Light
c) Infrared
d) Lasers
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Answer: d
Explanation: Laser is highly coherent. Due to this, they are widely used in the reconstruction process. In a hologram, each point contains light from the whole of the original scene.

4. It is not possible to break a hologram in small pieces.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Holograms can be broken into smaller pieces and they can be reconstructed to form the entire object. However, the size of the hologram is reduced, as the resolution decreases. The image starts to get blurred.

5. The information in the hologram exists in ________
a) Colored Image form
b) Black and white image form
c) 3-D image form
d) Coded form
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Answer: d
Explanation: All the information in a processed photographic plate, called hologram, exists in coded form. Information about the phase and the amplitude of the object wave is stored.
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6. Identify X and Y.
Y is the crystal & X is the object created on the photographic plate
a) X: Crystal, Y: Object
b) X: Object, Y: Crystal
c) X: Object, Y: Glass Slab
d) X: Glass Slab, Y: Object
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the figure, Y is the crystal and X is the object. This is the technique by which a hologram is created on the photographic plate. The process photographic plate contains information about the phase as well as the amplitude of the object wave.

7. Holography is based on the principle of _________
a) Interference
b) Diffraction
c) Interferometer
d) Polarization
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Answer: a
Explanation: The principle of interference is used in Holography. The interference pattern between two or more beams of coherent light or laser is captured by a hologram. The hologram captures light as it interests the whole area of the film.

8. When viewing a hologram print, the image changes as you move around.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: As we know, a hologram contains light from the whole original scene. It records the scene through an area of perspective. Thus, as you move around, the image changes according to your position as well.

9. The principle of generation of the wavefront from an object from a hologram can be used for _________
a) Data Storage
b) Transient Microscopy
c) Interferometry
d) Pattern recognition
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Answer: d
Explanation: Holography can be used to identify fingerprints, postal addresses, etc. The wavefront from an object is generated from a hologram. The process is reversible and reference wave can be generated by object wave, which is the basis of character recognition.

10. The holograms found on credit-cards are an example of ________
a) Volume Holograms
b) Rainbow Holograms
c) Reflection Hologram
d) Hybrid hologram
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Answer: b
Explanation: Rainbow Hologram begins with a standard transmission hologram. These types of holograms are found on credit cards. They are designed to be viewed under white light illumination.

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