Electronic Devices and Circuits Questions and Answers – Two Port Network

This set of Electronic Devices and Circuits Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Two Port Network”.

1. [T] = ?
[T] is D in given circuit diagram
a) \(\begin{bmatrix}
0.35 & -1\\
2 & -3.33
b) \(\begin{bmatrix}
0.35 & -1\\
-2 & -3.33
c) \(\begin{bmatrix}
2 & 3.33\\
0.35 & 1
d) \(\begin{bmatrix}
0.35 & 1\\
2 & 3.33
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Answer: d
V1 is 2V2 - 3.33I2 if I3 be the clockwise loop current in center loop

2. [h] = ?
[h] is A in given circuit diagram
a) \(\begin{bmatrix}
4 & \frac{3}{2}\\
-2 & \frac{1}{2}
b) \(\begin{bmatrix}
-2 & \frac{1}{2}\\
4 & \frac{3}{2}
c) \(\begin{bmatrix}
4 & -\frac{3}{2}\\
2 & \frac{1}{2}
d) \(\begin{bmatrix}
2 & \frac{1}{2}\\
4 & -\frac{3}{2}
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Answer: a
Explanation: V2 = 2I2 + 4I1 and
I1 = 0.5I2 + 0.5(V1 – 2V2) => V1 = 4I1 + 1.5V2.

3. [y] = ?
[y] is A in given circuit diagram
a) \(\begin{bmatrix}
Y_a + Y_{ab} & -Y_{ab}\\
-Y_{ab} & Y_b + Y_{ab}
b) \(\begin{bmatrix}
Y_a – Y_{ab} & Y_{ab}\\
Y_{ab} & Y_b – Y_{ab}
c) \(\begin{bmatrix}
Y_{ab} – Y_a & Y_{ab}\\
Y_{ab} & Y_{ab} -Y_a
d) \(\begin{bmatrix}
Y_a – Y_{ab} & -Y_{ab}\\
-Y_{ab} & Y_b – Y_{ab}
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Answer: a
Explanation: I1 = V1(Ya + Yab) – V2(Yab) and I2 = -V1(Yab) + V2(Yb + Yab).

4.The [y] parameter of a two port network is given by
Find the [y] parameter of a two port network is given in diagram
a) \(\begin{bmatrix}
6 & 4\\
2 & 3
b) \(\begin{bmatrix}
6 & 2\\
0 & 3
c) \(\begin{bmatrix}
5 & 4\\
2 & 2
d) \(\begin{bmatrix}
4 & 4\\
2 & 1
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Answer: b
Explanation: The new parameter will be the sum of the previous network and the resistor parameter.

5. The [y] parameter for a 2-port network and the network itself are given below.
Find the [y] parameter for a 2-port network & the network itself
The value of Vo/vs is _______
a) 3/32
b) 1/16
c) 2/33
d) 1/17
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Answer: a
The value of Vo/vs is 3/32 in given diagram
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6. [y] = ?
[y] is A in given circuit diagram
a) \(\begin{bmatrix}
\frac{19}{10} & \frac{-9}{10}\\
-\frac{9}{10} & \frac{31}{10}
b) \(\begin{bmatrix}
\frac{19}{10} & \frac{-7}{10}\\
-\frac{7}{10} & \frac{31}{10}
c) \(\begin{bmatrix}
\frac{19}{10} & \frac{9}{10}\\
\frac{9}{10} & \frac{31}{10}
d) \(\begin{bmatrix}
\frac{19}{10} & \frac{7}{10}\\
\frac{7}{10} & \frac{31}{10}
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Answer: b
Explanation of [y] in given diagram

7. A 2-port resistive network satisfy the condition A = D = 3/2B = 4/3C. The z11 of the network is
a) 4/3
b) 3/4
c) 2/3
d) 3/2
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Answer: a
Explanation: z11 = A/C = 4/3.

8. A 2-port network is driven by a source Vs = 100 V in series with 5 ohm, and terminated in a 25 ohm resistor. The impedance parameters are
The Thevenin equivalent circuit presented to the 25 ohm resistor is 160 V & 6.8 ohm
The Thevenin equivalent circuit presented to the 25 ohm resistor is
a) 80 V, 2.8 ohm
b) 160 V, 6.8 ohm
c) 100 V, 2.4 ohm
d) 120 V, 6.4 ohm
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Answer: b
Explanation: 100 = 25I1 + 2I2, V2 = 40I1 + 10I2
Also V2 = 160I1 + 6.8I2
using above equations we get, Vth = 160 V and Rth = 6.8 ohm.

9. Find V1 and V2.
The V1 & V2 is 68.6 V & -114.3 V in the given circuit diagram
a) -68.6 V, 114.3 V
b) 68.6 V, -114.3 V
c) 114.3 V, -68.6 V
d) -114.3 V, 68.6 V
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Answer: b
Explanation: 800 = 10V1 – V2 and 3V2 = 5V1 = 0.

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