Electronic Devices and Circuits Questions and Answers – Diode Circuits

This set of Electronic Devices and Circuits Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Diode Circuits”.

1. For the given circuit and input waveform determine the output waveform.
Find the output waveform for the given circuit & input waveform
The output waveform is D for diode is off when Vi lt 5 & for Vi gt 5, Vo = 5V - option a
The output waveform is D for diode is off when Vi lt 5 & for Vi gt 5, Vo = 5V - option b
The output waveform is D for diode is off when Vi lt 5 & for Vi gt 5, Vo = 5V - option c
The output waveform is D for diode is off when Vi lt 5 & for Vi gt 5, Vo = 5V - option d
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Answer: d
Explanation: Diode is off when Vi < 5 and for Vi > 5, Vo = 5V.

2. Find the output waveform from the given circuit and input waveform.
Find the output waveform from the given circuit & input waveform
Output waveform from circuit & input waveform C if diode is off - option a
Output waveform from circuit & input waveform C if diode is off - option b
Output waveform from circuit & input waveform C if diode is off - option c
Output waveform from circuit & input waveform C if diode is off - option d
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Answer: c
Explanation: Diode is off when Vi + 2 > 0.

3. Determine the output waveform from the given circuit and input waveform.
The output waveform from the given circuit & input waveform is D
Find the waveform for V1 lt 4 the diode is on otherwise its off - option a
Find the waveform for V1 lt 4 the diode is on otherwise its off - option b
Find the waveform for V1 lt 4 the diode is on otherwise its off - option c
Find the waveform for V1 lt 4 the diode is on otherwise its off - option d
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Answer: d
Explanation: For V1 < 4 the diode is on otherwise its off.

4. Find the waveform graph for the given circuit diagram
Positive half cycle when Vi lt 8 both diodes are off, D1 is ono - option a
Positive half cycle when Vi lt 8 both diodes are off, D1 is ono - option b
Positive half cycle when Vi lt 8 both diodes are off, D1 is ono - option c
Positive half cycle when Vi lt 8 both diodes are off, D1 is ono - option d
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Answer: c
Explanation: During +ve half cycle when Vi < 8 both the diodes are off. For V1 > 8, D1 is on. Similarly for the negative half cycle.

5. The maximum load current that can be drawn is
The maximum load current that can be drawn is 1.4 mA
a) 1.4 mA
b) 2.3 mA
c) 1.8 mA
d) 2.5 mA
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Answer: a
Explanation: At regulated poer supply, Is = 30-9/15k or 1.4 mA. The load current will remain less than this current.
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6. For the circuit shown diode cutting voltage is Vin = 0. The ripple voltage is to be no more than vrip = 4 V. The minimum load resistance, that can be connected to the output is (in kilo ohm)
Find minimum resistance connected to output if ripple voltage be no more than vrip is 4 V
a) 6.25
b) 12.5
c) 25
d) 30
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Answer: a
Explanation: The minimum load resistance, that can be connected to the output is 6.25

7. The circuit inside the box in fig. P3.1.31. contains only resistor and diodes. The terminal voltage vo is connected to some point in the circuit inside the box. The largest and smallest possible value of vo most nearly to is respectively
The largest & smallest possible value of vo most nearly to is 15 V & 9 V
a) 15 V, 6 V
b) 24 V, 0 V
c) 24 V, 6 V
d) 15 V, 9 V
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Answer: d
Explanation: The output voltage cannot exceed the positive power supply voltage and cannot be lower than the negative power supply voltage.

8. The Q-point of the zener diode in the circuit shown below is
Find Q-point of the zener diode in the circuit shown
a) (0.34 mA, 4 V)
b) (0.34 mA, 4.93 V)
c) (0.94 mA, 4 V)
d) (0.94 mA, 4.93 V)
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Q-point of the zener diode in the circuit shown below is 0.34 mA & 4 V

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