Electronic Devices and Circuits Questions and Answers – Frequency Response – 2

This set of Basic Electronic Devices and Circuits Questions and Answers focuses on “Frequency Response – 2”.

1. The maximum voltage across capacitor would be
The maximum voltage across capacitor is 3200 V in given circuit
a) 3200 V
b) 3 V
c) 3 V
d) 1600 V
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Answer: a
Explanation: Thevenin equivalent seen by L-C combination equation in given diagram

2. Find the resonnant frequency for the circuit.
Find the resonnant frequency for the circuit
a) 346 kHz
b) 55 kHz
c) 196 kHz
d) 286 kHz
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Answer: b
Explanation:The resonnant frequency for the circuit is 55 kHz

3. Determine the resonant frequency of the circuit.
The resonant frequency of the circuit is 2.05 MHz
a) 12 9 . kHz
b) 12.9 MHz
c) 2.05 MHz
d) 2.05 kHz
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Answer: c
Explanation:Resonant frequency of the circuit

4. The value of C and A for the given network function is
Find the value of C & A for the given network function
a) 10 µF, 6
b) 5 µF, 10
c) 5 µF, 6
d) 10 µF, 10
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Answer: c
Explanation:The value of C & A for the given network function is 5 µF & 6

5. H(w) = Vo/Vi = ?
H(w) = Vo/Vi is 0.6 / jw(1 + 0.2jw) in given diagram
a) 0.6 / jw(1 + 0.2jw)
b) 0.6 / jw(5 + jw)
c) 3 / jw(1 + jw)
d) 3 / jw(20 + 4jw)
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Answer: a
Explanation: H(w) = Vo/Vi in given diagram

6. H(w) = Vo/Vi = ?
H(w) = Vo/Vi n is 1 / jw(5 + j20w) in given diagram
a) 1 / jw(5 + j20w)
b) 1 / jw(5 + j4w)
c) 1 / jw(5 + j30w)
d) 5 / jw(5 + j6w)
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Answer: a
Explanation: H(w) = Vo/Vi in given circuit diagram

7. The value of input frequency is required to cause a gain equal to 1.5. The value is
Find the value of input frequency required to cause a gain equal to 1.5
a) 20 rad/s
b) 20 Hz
c) 10 rad/s
d) No such value exists
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Answer: d
Explanation: Value is no such value if value of input frequency is required to cause gain equal to 1.5

8. In the circuit shown phase shift equal to 45 degrees and is required at frequency w = 20 rad/s. The value of R (in kilo-ohm) is
Find value of R if phase shift equal to 45 degrees in given diagram
a) 200
b) 150
c) 100
d) 50
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Answer: d
Explanation: Value of R is 50 if phase shift equal to 45 degrees required at frequency w = 20 rad/s

9. For the circuit shown the input frequency is adjusted until the gain is equal to 0.6. The value of the frequency is
Find value of frequency in input frequency if adjusted until gain is equal to 0.6
a) 20 rad/s
b) 20 Hz
c) 40 rad/s
d) 40 Hz
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Answer: a
Explanation:Value of frequency is 20 rad/s if input frequency is adjusted until gain is equal to 0.6

10. The bode diagram for the Vo/Vs for the given circuit is
Circuit diagram with 4 ohm & 2 ohm resistor for the Vo/Vs
The bode diagram for the Vo/Vs for the given circuit - option a
The bode diagram for the Vo/Vs for the given circuit - option b
The bode diagram for the Vo/Vs for the given circuit - option c
The bode diagram for the Vo/Vs for the given circuit - option d
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Answer: d
The Vo/Vs for the given circuit is D in given bode diagram

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