Database Questions and Answers – Null Values Operations

This set of Database Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Null Values Operations”.

1. A _____ indicates an absent value that may exist but be unknown or that may not exist at all.
a) Empty tuple
b) New value
c) Null value
d) Old value
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Answer: c
Explanation: None.

2. If the attribute phone number is included in the relation all the values need not be entered into the phone number column. This type of entry is given as
a) 0
b) –
c) Null
d) Empty space
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Answer: c
Explanation: Null is used to represent the absence of a value.

3. The predicate in a where clause can involve Boolean operations such as and. The result of true and unknown is_______ false and unknown is _____ while unknown and unknown is _____
a) Unknown, unknown, false
b) True, false, unknown
c) True, unknown, unknown
d) Unknown, false, unknown
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.


 SELECT name
FROM instructor

a) Tuples with null value
b) Tuples with no null values
c) Tuples with any salary
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Not null constraint removes the tpules of null values.
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5. In an employee table to include the attributes whose value always have some value which of the following constraint must be used?
a) Null
b) Not null
c) Unique
d) Distinct
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Answer: b
Explanation: Not null constraint removes the tuples of null values.

6. Using the ______ clause retains only one copy of such identical tuples.
a) Null
b) Unique
c) Not null
d) Distinct
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Answer: d
Explanation: Unique is a constraint.


CREATE TABLE employee (id INTEGER,name VARCHAR(20),salary NOT NULL);
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1005,Rach,0);
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1007,Ross, );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1002,Joey,335);

Some of these insert statements will produce an error. Identify the statement.
a) Insert into employee values (1005,Rach,0);
b) Insert into employee values (1002,Joey,335);
c) Insert into employee values (1007,Ross, );
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Not null constraint is specified which means sone value (can include 0 also) should be given.

8. The primary key must be
a) Unique
b) Not null
c) Both Unique and Not null
d) Either Unique or Not null
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Answer: c
Explanation: Primary key must satisfy unique and not null condition for sure.

9. You attempt to query the database with this command:

 SELECT nvl (100 / quantity, NONE)
     FROM inventory;

Why does this statement cause an error when QUANTITY values are null?
a) The expression attempts to divide by a null value
b) The data types in the conversion function are incompatible
c) The character string none should be enclosed in single quotes (‘ ‘)
d) A null value used in an expression cannot be converted to an actual value
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Answer: a
Explanation: The expression attempts to divide by a null value is erroneous in sql.

10. The result of _____unknown is unknown.
a) Xor
b) Or
c) And
d) Not
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Answer: d
Explanation: Since unknown does not hold any value the value cannot have a reverse value.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Database Management System.

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