Cytogenetics Questions and Answers – Sex Determination in Drosophila

This set of Cytogenetics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Sex Determination in Drosophila”.

1. Drosophila follows which of these modes of sex determination?
a) XX /XY
b) XX/ XO
c) ZZ/ ZW
d) MM/NN
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Answer: a
Explanation: Drosophila follows the XY system of sex determination while other modes are seen in other animals. MM/NN or MN is a system of blood group and not a system of sex determination.

2. As Human and Drosophila both follow XY system of sex determination, a male in human is always a male in drosophila and same is for female.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Even though Human and drosophila both have XY system it is named so just depending on the structural constitution of chromosomes of normal male and female. However, the mechanism of maleness and femaleness development in both cases in very different.

3. Which of the following is true for Drosophila sex determination?
a) Males are produced by presence of Y chromosome
b) Females are produced by presence of Y chromosome
c) Two X chromosome will always produce a female
d) Two Y chromosome will always produce a male
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Answer: c
Explanation: In Drosophila the sex is determined by the sex chromosome: set of autosome ratio. If X:A is 1 as in case of XX then it’s a female, ratio of 0.5 in case of XY gives a male. The presence or even absence of Y chromosome makes little difference.

4. Which of these genes is responsible for the development of sex of Drosophila?
a) Xce
b) Xist
c) XIC
d) Sxl
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Answer: d
Explanation: Sxl or sex lethal gene is responsible for the development of male or female characters in Drosophila. Other genes mentioned work in human beings.

5. The Sxl gene is turned ____________ by a ratio of _____________for X:A.
a) OFF, 1
b) OFF, 0.5
c) ON, 0.5
d) ON, 0.75
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Sxl gene is turned ON only when the ratio of X:A is 1, other times it is OFF. An OFF state produces a male while on state produces a female.

6. Sxl directly affects _____________
a) SR
b) Dsx
c) Tra
d) Xce
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sxl directly affects the splicing of tra pre-mRNA and produces a functional gene when Sxl is turned on. Downstream of this the female characters are produced. Xce is present in human and not in Drosophila.

7. Which of the following is a default pathway in Drosophila?
a) Development of male characters
b) Repression of male characters
c) Development of female characters
d) All pathways are induced
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Answer: a
Explanation: Development of male characters is like a default pathway in Drosophila which is turned off by female specific genes.

8. Which of the following will give a normal female Drosophila?
a) AAA + XX
b) AA + XXY
c) AA + XY
d) AA + XXX
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the following case the X: A ratio is 1 which is required for developing female characters. In all the other cases viable female is not produced.

9. Genetic combination of AA : XYY in drosophila gives a _________
a) Female
b) Non-viable female
c) Male
d) Non-viable male
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Answer: c
Explanation: In this combination the X: A ratio is o.5 which will produce a male. Although there will be some problem in disjunction and male gamete production, otherwise the male is perfectly viable.

10. The composition AA: XXX will give a viable female in Drosophila.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Here the ratio of X: A is >1, so it should have been a female. But in Drosophila there is no dosage compensation for the extra X chromosome, thus the fl with this genetic combination is not viable.

11. Which of the following is the correct pathway for developing female characters?
a) Sxl- SR- Tra- Dsx- Male gene repression
b) Sxl- Tra- SR- Dsx- Male gene repression
c) Sxl- Tra- Dsx- SR- Male gene repression
d) Sxl- SR- Dsx- Tra- Male gene repression
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Answer: b
Explanation: Functional Sxl proteins, controls the splicing of tra gene and produces functional Tra protein. Tra interacts with SR proteins controlling splicing of Dsx giving female specific DsxF which ultimately represses male specific characters.

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