This is a C# Program to calculate period duration.
This C# Program Calculates Period Duration.
Here the period duration is found.
Here is source code of the C# Program to Calculate Period Duration. The C# program is successfully compiled and executed with Microsoft Visual Studio. The program output is also shown below.
/* * C# Program to Calculate Period Duration */ using System; class CompareDates { public static void Main() { DateTime today = DateTime.Now; DateTime yesterday = today - new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0); DateTime tomorrow = today + new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0); Console.WriteLine("Yesterday was {0}", yesterday); Console.WriteLine("Today is {0}", today); Console.WriteLine("Tomorrow will be {0}", tomorrow); Console.WriteLine("\nIs yesterday less than today? {0}.", yesterday < today); Console.WriteLine("Is today the same as tomorrow ? {0}.", today == tomorrow); TimeSpan totalTimespan = new TimeSpan(3, 5, 24, 17) + new TimeSpan(1, 18, 35, 43); Console.WriteLine( "\nThe length of the period is {0} days {1} hours" + " {2} minutes {3} seconds.", totalTimespan.Days, totalTimespan.Hours, totalTimespan.Minutes, totalTimespan.Seconds); Console.ReadLine(); } }
This C# program is used to calculate the period duration. The DateTime is a structure that is available from the System namespace within the base class libraries. This structure has a static method called ‘Now’ that returns the current time.
There are a large number of additional data members and methods within the DateTime structure. Then TimeSpan(Int32, Int32, Int32) is used to Initialize a new instance of the TimeSpan structure to a specified number of hours, minutes, and seconds.
Compute the yesterday date by subtracting the value of today date by the value of user defined in Timespan(). Compute the tomorrow date by adding the value of today date with the value of user defined in Timespan().
The totalTimespan.Days is used to get the day’s component of the time interval represented by the current TimeSpan structure. The totalTimespan.Hours is used to get the hour’s component of the time interval represented by the current TimeSpan structure.
The totalTimespan.Minutes is used to get the minute’s component of the time interval represented by the current TimeSpan structure. And the totalTimespan.Seconds is used to get the seconds component of the time interval represented by the current TimeSpan structure. Print the period duration.
Yesterday was 09-06-2014 15:52:34 Today is 10-06-2014 15:52:34 Tomorrow will be 11-06-2014 15:52:34 Is yesterday less than today? True. Is today the same as tomorrow ? False. The length of the period is 5 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds.
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