This is a C# Program to illustrate multilevel inheritance with virtual methods.
This C# Program Illustrates Multilevel Inheritance with Virtual Methods.
Here the system executes the first override-virtual method found in the hierarchy.
Here is source code of the C# Program to Illustrate Multilevel Inheritance with Virtual Methods. The C# program is successfully compiled and executed with Microsoft Visual Studio. The program output is also shown below.
/* * C# Program to Illustrate Multilevel Inheritance with Virtual Methods */ using System; public class Person { protected string RNO = "44"; protected string name = "Ram"; public virtual void GetInfo() { Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", name); Console.WriteLine("RNO: {0}", RNO); Console.WriteLine(); } } class Student : Person { public string id = "ABC"; public override void GetInfo() { base.GetInfo(); Console.WriteLine("Student ID: {0}", id); } } class Stud : Student { private string StudentAddress = "USA"; public void GetInfo() { base.GetInfo(); Console.WriteLine("Student Address: {0}", StudentAddress); } } class TestClass { public static void Main() { Student E = new Student(); E.GetInfo(); Stud Stud = new Stud(); Stud.GetInfo(); Console.ReadLine(); } }
This C# program is used to illustrate multilevel inheritance with virtual methods. The system executes the first override-virtual method found in the hierarchy. Create an object variable ‘e’ for the student() procedure.
Using object variable perform the operation of the GetInfo() procedure. The GetInfo() procedure is used to retrieve information about the data container. Here the system executes the first override-virtual method found in the hierarchy. Print the multilevel inheritance with virtual methods.
Name : Ram RNO : 44 Student ID : ABC Name : Ram RNO : 44 Student ID : ABC Student Address : USA
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