This is a C# Program to calculate the length of the string.
Problem Description
This C# Program calculates the length of the string.
Problem Solution
Here the Length property calculates the length of the string and displays it.
Program/Source Code
Here is source code of the C# Program to calculate the length of the string. The C# program is successfully compiled and executed with Microsoft Visual Studio. The program output is also shown below.
/* * C# Program to calculate the length of the string */ using System; class Program { static void Main() { string s1 = "Computer"; Console.WriteLine("The Length of the First String is : " +s1.Length); string s2 = ""; Console.WriteLine("The Length of the Second String is : " +s2.Length); Console.ReadLine(); } }
Program Explanation
This C# Program is used to calculate the length of the string. Using the Length property calculate the length of the string. Print the length of the string.
Runtime Test Cases
The Length of the First String is : 8 The Length of the Second String is : 0
Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – 1000 C# Programs.
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