This section of our 1000+ C# multiple choice questions focuses on searching and modification of strings in C# Programming Language.
1. Which of these methods of class String is used to separate a substring from a String object?
a) substring()
b) Substring()
c) SubString()
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: None.
2. What will be the output of the following C# code?
static void Main(string[] args)
String a = "Ilove";
String b = "CSHARP";
b = string.Concat(a, ' ', b);
a) IloveCSHARP
b) I loveCSHARP
c) Ilove
d) Ilove CSHARP
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Explanation: Concat() method is used to join two strings without the use of ‘+’ operator.
Output :
3. Which of these methods of class are used to remove the leading and backward whitespaces?
a) startsWith()
b) trim()
c) Trim()
d) doTrim()
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Explanation: None.
4. What will be the output of the following C# code?
static void Main(string[] args)
String a = "Ilove";
String b = "CSHARP";
b = string.Concat(a,' ',b);
string d = b.TrimStart('I', 'l', 'o', 'H');
a) Ilove CSHARP
b) love CSHARP
c) ve CSHARP
d) ve CSARP
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Explanation: trimstart() removes character mentioned consecutively in front positions not characters in mentioned in between positions.
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5. What will be the output of the following C# code?
static void Main(string[] args)
String c = " Hello Computer ";
String a = c.Trim();
Console.WriteLine("\"" + s + "\"");
a) ” Hello Computer ”
b) “HelloComputer”
c) “Hello Computer”
d) Hello Computer
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Explanation: Trim() method is used to remove forward and backward spaces in strings.
Output :
"Hello Computer"
6. What will be the output of the following C# code?
static void Main(string[] args)
String c = "Hello";
String a = c + "Bye";
a) “Hello Bye”
b) “HelloBye”
c) Hello Bye
d) HelloBye
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Explanation: ‘+’ operator method works in the form of concatenate method() and hence is used to join two strings together.
Output :
7. What will be the output of the following C# code?
static void Main(string[] args)
String c = "Hello";
String a ;
a = c.Replace('l', 'w');
a) Helloll
b) Hewlo
c) Helwo
d) Hewwo
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Explanation: None.
Output :
8. Which of the following statements is correct?
a) replace() replace() method replaces last occurrence of a character in invoking strings with another character
b) replace() method replaces only first occurrence of a character in invoking strings with another character
c) replace() method replaces all occurrences of one character in invoking strings with another character
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: By definition.
9. What will be the output of the following C# code snippet?
static void Main(string[] args)
String c = "Hello i love you";
String a ;
a = c.Substring(12, 3);
a) ove
b) you
c) yo
d) love you
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Explanation: None.
Output :
10. Which among the following is the correct way to find out the index of second ‘s’ in the string “She sold her beauty in one night to someone else”?
String a = "She sold her beauty in one night to someone else"; int i; i = a.SecondIndexOf("s");
String a = "She sold her beauty in one night to someone else"; int i, j; i = a.FirstIndexOf("s"); j = a.IndexOf("s", i + 1);
String a = "She sold her beauty in one night to someone else"; int i, j; i = a.IndexOf("s"); j = a.IndexOf("s", i + 1);
d) None of the mentioned
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static void Main(string[] args) { String c = "She sold her beauty in one night to someone else"; int i,j; i = c.IndexOf("s"); j = c.IndexOf("s", i + 1); Console.WriteLine(i + " " + j); Console.ReadLine(); } Output : 4, 36
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