C# Questions & Answers – Attributes

This section of our 1000+ C# multiple choice questions focuses on attributes in C# Programming Language.

1. Which of the following cannot further inspect the attribute that is once applied?
a) Linker
b) ASP.NET Runtime
c) Language compilers
d) CLR
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

2. To apply an attribute to an Assembly, the correct way of implementation is?
a) [AssemblyInfo: AssemblyDescription (“Csharp”)]
b) [assembly: AssemblyDescription(“Csharp”)]
c) [AssemblyDescription(“Csharp”)]
d) (Assembly:AssemblyDescription(“Csharp”)]
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.

3. The correct method to pass a parameter to an attribute is?
a) By name
b) By address
c) By value
d) By reference
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

4. Which among the following is the correct form of applying an attribute?

  <Serializable()>class sample


  (Serializable())class sample


  [Serializable()] class sample

d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: By definition.


5. Which among the following cannot be a target for a custom attribute?
a) Enum
b) Event
c) Interface
d) Namespace
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.

6. Select the correct statement about Attributes used in C#.NET?
a) The CLR can change the behaviour of the code depending on attributes applied to it
b) If a bugFixAttribute is to receive three parameters, then the BugFixAttribute class should implement a zero argument constructor
c) To create a custom attribute we need to create a custom attribute structure and derive it from System.Attribute
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

7. The correct way to apply the custom attribute called Employer which receives two arguments – name of the employee and employeeid is?
a) Custom attribute can be applied to an assembly
b) [assembly : Employer(“Ankit”,employeeid.one)]

   [ Employer("Ankit",  employeeid.second)] class employee

d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.

8. Which of the following is the correct statement about inspecting an attribute in C#.NET?
a) An attribute can be inspected at link time
b) An attribute can be inspected at design time
c) An attribute can be inspected at run time
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

9. Attributes could be applied to ___________
a) Method
b) Class
c) Assembly
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.

10. The [Serializable()] attributes gets inspected at _________
a) compile time
b) run time
c) design time
d) linking time
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.

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