This is a C++ Program to find k numbers closest to the median of S, Where S is a set of n numbers.
1. We need to find k numbers which have a minimum difference with the median of the data set.
2. It includes sorting using quick sort and then printing k numbers as a result.
3. The time complexity will be O(n*log(n)+k).
1. Take input of the data.
2. Sort the data using the quick-sort algorithm.
3. Starting from the median index, using two variable moves towards the end of the array.
4. compare each value to the median and print those which are closer to it.
5. Repeat this k time printing the k numbers closest to the median.
6. Exit.
C++ program to find k numbers closest to median of S, Where S is a set of n numbers.
This program is successfully run on Dev-C++ using TDM-GCC 4.9.2 MinGW compiler on a Windows system.
#include<iostream> using namespace std; // Swapping two values. void swap(int *a, int *b) { int temp; temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp; } // Partitioning the array on the basis of values at high as pivot value. int Partition(int a[], int low, int high) { int pivot, index, i; index = low; pivot = high; // Getting index of pivot. for(i=low; i < high; i++) { if(a[i] < a[pivot]) { swap(&a[i], &a[index]); index++; } } // Swapping value at high and at the index obtained. swap(&a[pivot], &a[index]); return index; } // Implementing QuickSort algorithm. int QuickSort(int a[], int low, int high) { int pindex; if(low < high) { // Partitioning array using randomized pivot. pindex = Partition(a, low, high); // Recursively implementing QuickSort. QuickSort(a, low, pindex-1); QuickSort(a, pindex+1, high); } return 0; } int main() { int n, i, high, low, k; double d1,d2, median; cout<<"Enter the number of element in dataset: "; cin>>n; int a[n]; // Taking input of the data set. for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { cout<<"\nEnter "<<i+1<<"th element: "; cin>>a[i]; } cout<<"\nEnter the number of element nearest to the median required: "; cin>>k; // Sort the data. QuickSort(a, 0, n-1); //Print the result. cout<<"\tThe K element nearest to the median are: "; // Check the number of data element to be even or odd and proceed accordingly. if(n%2 == 1) { median = a[n/2]; high = n/2+1; low = n/2; // Loop to search for the next element generating minimum difference from median. while(k > 0) { // If difference from the first half element is minimum. if((median-a[low] <= a[high]-median) && low >= 0) { cout<<" "<<a[low]; low--; k--; } // If difference from the Second half element is minimum. else if((median-a[low] > a[high]-median) && high <= n-1) { cout<<" "<<a[high]; high++; k--; } } } else { // Need to use floating variable since the median can be in the fractional form. d1 = a[n/2]; d2 = a[n/2-1]; median = (d1+d2)/2; high = n/2; low = n/2-1; while(k > 0) { d1 = a[low]; d2 = a[high]; // If difference from the first half element is minimum. if((median-d2 <= d1-median) && low >= 0) { cout<<" "<<a[low]; low--; k--; } // If difference from the Second half element is minimum. else if((median-d2 > d1-median) && high <= n-1) { cout<<" "<<a[high]; high++; k--; } } } return 0; }
1. Take input of the data.
2. Call QuickSort() function to sort the data.
3. Check if the number of the data element are odd then assign the middle index to low and the index next to it to high and calculate median.
4. Run a loop for k times and print the element which his closer to the median.
5. Otherwise, the number of the data element are even then the median will be an average of two middle values so, it can be fractional so use floating variable.
6. Run a loop for k times and print the element which his closer to the median.
7. Exit.
Case 1: Enter the number of element in dataset: 10 Enter 1th element: 9 Enter 2th element: 5 Enter 3th element: 3 Enter 4th element: 1 Enter 5th element: 6 Enter 6th element: 2 Enter 7th element: 0 Enter 8th element: 7 Enter 9th element: 4 Enter 10th element: 8 Enter the number of element nearest to the median required: 4 The K element nearest to the median are: 4 5 3 6 Case 2: Enter the number of element in dataset: 9 Enter 1th element: 6 Enter 2th element: 2 Enter 3th element: 8 Enter 4th element: 3 Enter 5th element: 1 Enter 6th element: 7 Enter 7th element: 5 Enter 8th element: 4 Enter 9th element: 9 Enter the number of element nearest to the median required: 4 The K element nearest to the median are: 5 4 6 3
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