C++ Program to find the kth largest number from a given list using the Order-Statistic algorithm.
1. Implements Order-Statistic tree.
2. It is an improvement in BST by adding two more key functions- rank() and select().
3. The time complexity of Order-statistic tree generation is O(n+n*log(n)).
4. Once the tree is constructed, this algorithm takes O(log(n)) to find Kth largest number.
1. Construct Order-Statistic tree for the given unsorted data array.
2. Using the select function get the kth largest number from the given data set.
3. Print the result.
4. Exit.
C++ program to find the ith largest number from a given list using Order-Statistic algorithm.
This program is successfully run on Dev-C++ using TDM-GCC 4.9.2 MinGW compiler on a Windows system.
#include<iostream> using namespace std; static int count = 0; // A structure representing a node of a tree. struct node { int data; int rank; node *left; node *right; }; // A function creating new node of tree and assigning the data. node* CreateNode(int data) { node *newnode = new node; newnode->data = data; newnode->rank = 0; newnode->left = NULL; newnode->right = NULL; return newnode; } // A function to create binary search tree. node* Insert(node* root, int data) { // Create node using data from argument list. node *temp = CreateNode(data); node *t = new node; t = root; // If root is null, assign it to the node created. if(root == NULL) root = temp; else { // Find the position for the new node to be inserted. while(t != NULL) { if(t->data < data ) { if(t->right == NULL) { // If current node is NULL then insert the node. t->right = temp; break; } // Shift pointer to the left. t = t->right; } else if(t->data > data) { if(t->left == NULL) { // If current node is NULL then insert the node. t->left = temp; break; } // Shift pointer to the left. t = t->left; } } } return root; } // A function to assign a rank to each node of the tree. void AssignRank(node *root) { if(root->left != NULL) AssignRank(root->left); root->rank = count; count++; if(root->right != NULL) AssignRank(root->right); } // A function to search Kth smallest element from the data stored in the tree. int Select(node* root, int k) { // Search for the entered rank and shift the pointer accordingly, if rank not matched. if(root->rank == k) return root->data; else if(root->rank > k) return Select(root->left, k); else return Select(root->right, k); } // A function to take an inorder traversal of the tree and print the tree data of each node. void print(node *root) { if(root->left != NULL) print(root->left); cout<<"\n data: "<<root->data<<" rank: "<<root->rank; if(root->right != NULL) print(root->right); } int main() { char ch; int n, i, k, a[20]={40, 53, 95, 1, 9, 67, 72, 66, 75, 77, 18, 24, 35, 90, 38, 41, 49, 81, 27, 97}; node *root = new node; root = NULL; // Construct the BST. for(i = 0; i < 20; i++) root = Insert(root, a[i]); cout<<"Enter the k value: "; cin>>k; // Assign rank to each of the nodes of the Binary Search tree. AssignRank(root); // Inorder traversal of the tree and displaying the data and the rank corresponding to that data. cout<<"\nRank associated to each node:-"; print(root); // Print the result. cout<<"\n\nThe kth Largest element is: "<<Select(root, 20-k); return 0; }
1. Construct Order-Statistic tree for the given unsorted data array by inserting data into tree one by one.
2. Using insert(), it will create a binary search tree where the rank of each node is zero initially.
3. Traverse the tree inorder and assign the rank using a static integer variable.
4. For kth largest number use select() with the root of the tree and N-k in its argument list.
5. Inside select(), a temporary variable traverses the tree and compares N-k to the rank of the current node.
6. If found to be equal, return to main and display the result.
7. If it is greater then shift the temporary variable to the right child.
8. If it is smaller then shift the temporary variable to the left child.
9. After returning to main display the result.
10. Exit.
Case 1: Enter the k value: 6 Rank associated to each node:- data: 1 rank: 0 data: 9 rank: 1 data: 18 rank: 2 data: 24 rank: 3 data: 27 rank: 4 data: 35 rank: 5 data: 38 rank: 6 data: 40 rank: 7 data: 41 rank: 8 data: 49 rank: 9 data: 53 rank: 10 data: 66 rank: 11 data: 67 rank: 12 data: 72 rank: 13 data: 75 rank: 14 data: 77 rank: 15 data: 81 rank: 16 data: 90 rank: 17 data: 95 rank: 18 data: 97 rank: 19 The kth Largest element is: 75
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