Control Systems Questions and Answers – Fuzzy Logic Control

This set of Control Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Fuzzy Logic Control”.

1. Fuzzy logic is :
a) Used to respond to questions in a humanlike way
b) A new programming language used to program animation
c) The result of fuzzy thinking
d) A term that indicates logical values greater than one
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Answer: a
Explanation: Fuzzy logic allows users to respond to questions in a very humanlike way with proper thinking and analyzing capabilities.

2. A robot is a __________
a) Computer-controlled machine that mimics the motor activities of living things
b) Machine that thinks like a human
c) Machine that replaces a human by performing complex mental processing tasks
d) Type of virtual reality device that takes the place of humans in adventures
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Answer: a
Explanation: Robots are computer-controlled machines that mimic the motor activities of living things.

3. Perception system robots are :
a) Act as a transportation system, like a “mail mobile”
b) Imitate some human senses
c) Perform manufacturing tasks like painting cars
d) Are another name for virtual reality
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Answer: b
Explanation: Perception system robots imitate some of the human senses.

4. A mobile robot :
a) Acts as a transportation system, like a “mail mobile”
b) Imitates some human senses
c) Performs manufacturing tasks like painting cars
d) Is another name for virtual reality
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Answer: a
Explanation: Mobile robots act as transports and are widely used for a variety of different tasks.

5. Computer-controlled machines that mimic the motor activities of living things are :
a) Virtual reality
b) Robotics
c) Knowledge-based systems
d) Machines that think like a human
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Answer: b
Explanation: Robots are computer-controlled machines that mimic the motor activities of living things.
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6. Robots used in automobile plants would be classified as :
a) Perception systems
b) Industrial robots
c) Mobile robots
d) Knowledge robots
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Answer: b
Explanation: Industrial robots are used in automobile plants.

7. One difference between desktop publishing and word processing is that with desktop publishing you can mix text and graphics.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Desktop publishing allows you to mix text and graphics to create publications of professional quality.

8. Software that allows the user to create professional-quality layout and type styles is __________
a) Perception systems
b) desktop publishing
c) desktop editing
d) Knowledge robots
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Answer: b
Explanation: Desktop publishing allows you to create publications of professional quality.

9. Graphic programs widely used in the graphic arts profession include __________
a) Desktop publishing programs, image editors and illustration programs
b) Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and illustration programs
c) Mega media programs, image editors, and desktop publishing programs
d) Virtual reality, desktop publishing programs, and illustration programs
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Answer: a
Explanation: The graphic arts profession would use desktop publishing, image editors and illustrator programs in their work.

10. One difference between desktop publishing and word processing is :
a) That desktop publishing allows you to create documents that have professional-quality layout and type styles
b) The first uses graphics, the second uses text
c) That word processing allows the user to add graphics to a document, desktop publishing doesn’t
d) Important because word processors work at the command line, but desktop processors work with graphics
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Answer: a
Explanation: Desktop publishing allows you to mix text and graphics to create publications of professional quality.

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