Computer Organization Questions and Answers – Memory Locations and Addresses

This set of Computer Organization and Architecture Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Memory Locations and Addresses”.

1. The smallest entity of memory is called _______
a) Cell
b) Block
c) Instance
d) Unit
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Answer: a
Explanation: Each data is made up of a number of units.

2. The collection of the above mentioned entities where data is stored is called ______
a) Block
b) Set
c) Word
d) Byte
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Answer: a
Explanation: Each readable part of the data is called blocks.

3. An 24 bit address generates an address space of ______ locations.
a) 1024
b) 4096
c) 248
d) 16,777,216
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Answer: d
Explanation: The number of addressable locations in the system is called as address space.

4. If a system is 64 bit machine, then the length of each word will be _______
a) 4 bytes
b) 8 bytes
c) 16 bytes
d) 12 bytes
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Answer: b
Explanation: A 64 bit system means, that at a time 64 bit instruction can be executed.

5. The type of memory assignment used in Intel processors is _____
a) Little Endian
b) Big Endian
c) Medium Endian
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The method of address allocation to data to be stored is called as memory assignment.

6. When using the Big Endian assignment to store a number, the sign bit of the number is stored in _____
a) The higher order byte of the word
b) The lower order byte of the word
c) Can’t say
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

7. To get the physical address from the logical address generated by CPU we use ____________
a) MAR
b) MMU
c) Overlays
d) TLB
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Answer: b
Explanation: Memory Management Unit, is used to add the offset to the logical address generated by the CPU to get the physical address.

8. _____ method is used to map logical addresses of variable length onto physical memory.
a) Paging
b) Overlays
c) Segmentation
d) Paging with segmentation
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Answer: c
Explanation: Segmentation is a process in which memory is divided into groups of variable length called segments.

9. During the transfer of data between the processor and memory we use ______
a) Cache
b) TLB
c) Buffers
d) Registers
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.

10. Physical memory is divided into sets of finite size called as ______
a) Frames
b) Pages
c) Blocks
d) Vectors
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Computer Organization and Architecture.

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