This set of Computer Graphics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “View Volumes and General Projection Transformation”.
1. Which of the following parameters determines how much of the scene is caught in a film while photography?
a) Distance of camera from scene
b) Size of scene
c) Type of lens
d) Angle of camera
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Explanation: The parameter which determines how much of the scene is caught in a film while photography is the type of lens. A wide angle lens takes in more of the scene than a regular lens. The wide angle lens also requires less distance from the scene compared to the regular lens.
2. View volumes is setup using which of the following parameter?
a) Window boundaries
b) Window edges
c) World coordinates
d) Projection window
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Explanation: The view volume of a scene is defined using the window boundaries. View volume of a scene is the volume until which the objects in a scene are visible. If they are outside that specified volume then they are clipped.
3. Which of the following parameter defines the size of the view volume of a scene?
a) Window boundaries
b) Size of the window
c) Type of Projection
d) Window edges
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Explanation: Size of the view volume of a scene depends upon the size of the window. The greater the size of the window, the farther will be its window boundaries which in turn ultimately increases the view volume.
4. Which of the following parameter defines the shape of the view volume of a scene?
a) Window boundaries
b) Size of the window
c) Type of Projection
d) Window edges
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Explanation: Shape of the view volume of a scene depends upon the type of projection used to generate the display. For a parallel projection, shape of view volume forms an infinite parallelepiped. For a perspective projection, the view volume is-a pyramid with apex at the projection reference.
5. How can an infinite view volume be changed into a finite view volume?
a) By changing the length of window boundaries
b) By changing the angle of projection
c) By changing the size of the window
d) By specifying positions for one or two additional boundary planes
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Explanation: An infinite view volume can be changed into a finite view volume by specifying positions for one or two additional boundary planes. These z,-boundary planes are referred to as the front-plane and back-plane of the viewing volume. The front and back planes are parallel to the view plane at specified-positions zfront and zback.
6. Front and back clipping planes allows us to clip the scene from view volume on the basis of which parameter?
a) Length
b) Breadth
c) Depth
d) Height
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Explanation: Front and back clipping planes allow us to eliminate parts of the scene from the viewing operations based on depth. We can then pick out parts of a scene that we would like to view and exclude objects that are front or behind the part that we want to look at.
7. In perspective projection, we can use the front clipping plane to take out which of the following object that are close to the view plane?
a) Large Objects
b) Small Objects
c) Near Objects
d) Far Objects
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Explanation: In a perspective projection, we can use the front clipping plane to take out large objects close to the view plane that can project into unrecognizable sections within the view window. Similarly, the back clipping plane can he used to cut out objects far from the projection reference point that can project to small blocks on the output.
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