Cloud Computing Questions and Answers – The Enterprise Service Bus

This set of Cloud Computing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “The Enterprise Service Bus”.

1. Which of the following is referred to as transaction broker in the following figure?
Find the transaction broker from the given diagram
a) Enterprise Server Bus
b) Enterprise Service Bus
c) Enterprise Client Bus
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: These are typical services provided by ESB.

2. Point out the correct statement.
a) An ESB is not a physical bus in the sense of a network
b) ESB is an architectural pattern comprised of a set of network services that manage transactions in a Service Oriented Architecture
c) ESB is a set of service that separate clients from components on a transactional basis
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Bus in the name indicates a high degree of connectivity or fabric quality to the system; that is, the system is loosely coupled.

3. Which of the following function is performed by the service bus?
a) auditing
b) routing
c) message translation
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The service bus performs the function of mediation.


4. Which of the following is an ESB based on open standards such as Java EE?
a) InfoSphere ESB 7.0
b) WebSphere ESB 7.0
c) CloudSphere ESB 7.0
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: WebSphere ESB contains both a Service Federation Management tool and an integrated Registry and Repository function.

5. Point out the wrong statement.
a) An ESB is both necessary and essential to a Service Oriented Architecture
b) Typical business processes can span a vast number of messages and events
c) An ESB plays the role of a transaction broker in SOA
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: An ESB is necessary but not essential to a Service Oriented Architecture.

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6. Which of the following manage message transactions?
a) Data abstraction services
b) Process management services
c) Data repositories
d) Governance
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Answer: b
Explanation: Data abstraction services translate messages from one format to another, as required.

7. Which of the following statement is incorrect related to a repository and a registry in ESB?
a) Repositories and registries are both data stores
b) Repository stores references to the components of the SOA
c) A registry serves the role that a name server does in a network operating system infrastructure
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The service broker uses the rules contained in the SOA registry to perform its function as a translator and delivery agent.


8. Which of the following stores business logic and aid in governance of business processes?
a) Data abstraction services
b) Process management services
c) Data repositories
d) Governance
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Answer: c
Explanation: An SOA registry contains references to rules, descriptions, and definitions of the services.

9. Which of the following service monitors compliance of your operations with governmental regulation?
a) Governance
b) Security services
c) Data services
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Data services pass messages between clients and services.


10. Following figure shows a network services model infrastructure for an SOA, which is based on the SOA meta-model of the ________ Group.
Find the Linthicum from the given diagram
a) Networking Bible
b) Lincent
c) Linthicum
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Finding any particular service and locating the service’s requirement in a large SOA implementation can involve a large amount of network system overhead.

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