This set of Interview Questions & Answers focuses on “AWS – Amazon Web Services”.
1. Which of the following should be used considering factors shown in the figure?
a) SimpleDB
b) RDS
c) Amazon EC2
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: Use RDS when you have an existing MySQL database that could be ported and you want to minimize the amount of infrastructure and administrative management required.
2. Point out the wrong statement.
a) Amazon Machine Instances are sized at various levels and rented on a computing/hour basis
b) The metrics obtained by CloudWatch may be used to enable a feature called Auto Scaling
c) A number of tools are used to support EC2 services
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Through hardware virtualization on Xen hypervisors, has made it possible to create private virtual servers that you can run worldwide.
3. Which of the following is an edge-storage or content-delivery system that caches data in different physical locations?
a) Amazon Relational Database Service
b) Amazon SimpleDB
c) Amazon Cloudfront
d) Amazon Associates Web Services
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Explanation: Cloudfront is similar to systems such as, but is proprietary to and is set up to work with Amazon Simple Storage
System (Amazon S3).
4. Which of the following allows you to create instances of the MySQL database to support your Web sites?
a) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
b) Amazon Simple Queue Service
c) Amazon Relational Database Service
d) Amazon Simple Storage System
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Explanation: RDS provides features such as automated software patching, database backups, and automated database scaling via an API call.
5. Point out the correct statement.
a) Amazon Elastic Cloud is a system for creating virtual disks(volume)
b) SimpleDB interoperates with both Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3
c) EC3 is an Analytics as a Service provider
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Amazon SimpleDB stores data in “buckets” and without requiring the creation of a database schema.
6. Which of the following is a structured data store that supports indexing and data queries to both EC2 and S3?
a) CloudWatch
b) Amazon SimpleDB
c) Amazon Cloudfront
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: SimpleDB isn’t a full database implementation.
7. Which of the following is the machinery for interacting with Amazon’s vast product data and eCommerce catalog function?
a) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
b) Amazon Associates Web Services
c) Alexa Web Information Service
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: This service, which was called Amazon E-Commerce Service (ECS), is the means for vendors to add their products to the site
and take orders and payments.
8. Which of the following is a billing and account management service?
a) Amazon Elastic MapReduce
b) Amazon Mechanical Turk
c) Amazon DevPay
d) Multi-Factor Authentication
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Explanation: DevPay provides a developer API that eliminates the need for application developers to build order pipelines.
9. Which of the following is a means for accessing human researchers or consultants to help solve problems on a contractual or temporary basis?
a) Amazon Elastic MapReduce
b) Amazon Mechanical Turk
c) Amazon DevPay
d) Multi-Factor Authentication
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Explanation: Problems solved by this human workforce have included object identification, video or audio recording, data duplication, and data research.
10. Which of the following is built on top of a Hadoop framework using the Elastic Compute Cloud?
a) Amazon Elastic MapReduce
b) Amazon Mechanical Turk
c) Amazon DevPay
d) Multi-Factor Authentication
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Explanation: Amazon Elastic MapReduce is an interactive data analysis tool for performing indexing.
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