Class 12 Chemistry MCQ – Therapeutic Action of Different Classes of Drugs – 1

This set of Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 16 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Therapeutic Action of Different Classes of Drugs – 1”.

1. Which of the following compounds help in controlling the acid production in the stomach?
a) Histamine
b) Cimetidine
c) Ranitidine
d) Omeprazole
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Answer: a
Explanation: Histamine is the compound which is responsible for the secretion of pepsin and HCl in the stomach. Drugs like cimetidine (Tegamet), ranitidine (Zantac), omeprazole and lansoprazole prevent the interaction of histamine with the stomach wall receptors, resulting in release of lesser acid.

2. Which of the following is the least suitable antacid?
a) Magnesium hydroxide
b) Aluminium hydroxide
c) Sodium bicarbonate
d) Dihydroxy aluminium amino acetate
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Answer: c
Explanation: All can be used as antacids. But when NaHCO3 (and other hydrogen carbonates) are taken in excess, it increases the alkalinity of the stomach and stimulates the release to more acid to counter it. Metal hydroxides are better as they are insoluble and do not increase the pH above 7.

3. Which of the following drugs help in subsiding the effects of allergic reaction?
a) Benadryl
b) Dimetapp
c) Seldane
d) Nardil
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Answer: d
Explanation: Benadryl, Dimetapp and Seldane are examples or antihistamines which are drugs that interfere with the main actions of histamine, which is a vasodilator and is released during allergic reactions. Nardil is an antidepressant drug.

4. Which of the following are neurologically inactive drugs?
a) Analgesics
b) Barbiturates
c) Antipyretics
d) Antihistamines
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Answer: d
Explanation: Analgesics, antipyretics and barbiturates (tranquilizers) are drugs that interfere with the message transfer mechanism from the nerve to receptor and hence block neurological communication.

5. Which of the following tranquilizers cannot be part of sleeping pills?
a) Chlordiazepoxide
b) Amytal
c) Seconal
d) Nembutal
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Answer: a
Explanation: Amytal, seconal and nembutal are examples of barbiturates or sleep-inducing drugs. These are hypnotic compounds barbituric acid and are important tranquilizers and components of sleeping pills. Chlordiazepoxide is a mild tranquilizer used only for relieving tension.

6. Which of the following compounds does not inhibit the enzymes which catalyse the degradation of noradrenaline?
a) Citalopram
b) Terfenadine
c) Iproniazid
d) Phenelzine
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Answer: b
Explanation: Low levels of noradrenaline in the body reduces the signal-sending activity of neurons and lead to depression. Citalopram, iproniazid and phenelzine are antidepressants that inhibit the catalysis of the degradation of noradrenaline and helps treat depression.

7. Which of the following is not an analgesic?
a) Aspirin
b) Paracetamol
c) Morphine
d) Salvarsan
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Answer: d
Explanation: Analgesics are drugs that are used to relieve pain without causing disturbances within the nervous system. Aspirin and paracetamol are non-narcotic analgesics, whereas morphine is a narcotic analgesic.

8. Which of the following analgesics have antipyretic properties?
a) Aspirin
b) Heroin
c) Codeine
d) Marijuana
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Answer: a
Explanation: Aspirin is 2-acetoxybenzoic acid, is a non-addictive drug that blocks the production of prostaglandins and relive pain and inflammation. It also has the effect of lowering the body temperature during fever (antipyretic) and preventing platelet coagulation.

9. Which of the following is not an opiate?
a) Morphine
b) Valium
c) Thebaine
d) Codeine
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Answer: b
Explanation: Opiates are a class of narcotic analgesics naturally obtained as alkaloids from the opium poppy plant. Morphine, codeine and thebaine are the opiates that have the maximum effect of the human nervous system.

10. Which of the following is not an antimicrobial?
a) Antiseptics
b) Antibacterial drugs
c) Anaesthetics
d) Disinfectants
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Answer: c
Explanation: Antimicrobials are substances that are used to prevent and treat infections due to various microorganisms like fungi, virus, bacteria or parasites. They can be used for curing diseases and avoid them. Anaesthetics are drugs that produce insensitivity to pain.

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