Class 11 Chemistry MCQ – States of Matter – Thermal Energy

This set of Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 5 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “States of Matter – Thermal Energy”.

1. Which energy is generated from due to the motion of its particles?
a) Thermal
b) Muscular
c) Momentary
d) Potential
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Answer: a
Explanation: Thermal energy is the result of the motion of a body’s atoms and molecules. It depends on the temperature and is directly proportional to each other. It’s the average of kinetic energy and is responsible for a body’s motion.

2. Which of the following posses highest thermal energy?
a) Water at 0°
b) Iron at 37°
c) Milk at 50°
d) Chocolate at 26°
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Answer: c
Explanation: As we know that, the thermal energy is dependent on temperature, among the options milk at given temperature has a higher temperature, so milk posses higher thermal energy than others (temperature is proportional to thermal energy).

3. Thermal energy is an example of __________
a) kinetic energy
b) potential energy
c) muscular energy
d) momentary energy
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Answer: a
Explanation: Thermal energy is also defined as an average measure of kinetic energy. It is a result of a body’s motion and that of its atoms and molecules. Thermal energy, which is an example of kinetic energy is responsible for a body’s motion.

4. The faster the body moves, the higher the thermal energy.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: As thermal energy is a type of kinetic energy, the faster the object moves, the higher the thermal energy. The measure of an average of kinetic energy is thermal energy. So the above statement regarding thermal energy is true.

5. ___________ of particles results in the rise of thermal energy.
a) Direction
b) Vibration
c) Shape
d) Atoms
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Answer: b
Explanation: Temperature increases due to the vibration of particles. As we know that temperature is directly proportional to the thermal energy, the vibration of particles results in the rise the thermal energy.

6. Which of the following may not be a source of thermal energy?
a) Micro-oven
b) Sun
c) Moon
d) Heater
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Answer: c
Explanation: Thermal energy is also known as heat energy, it’s source s are the same as heat energy. As we know that micro-oven produces heat waves to raise food’s temperature and bake them, sun for solar energy and heater produces heat. Moon doesn’t.

7. Choose the best option. Boiling kettle is an example of ____________
a) only thermal energy
b) both thermal and Kinetic energy
c) only kinetic energy
d) potential and Kinetic energy
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Answer: b
Explanation: A boiling kettle produces heat, and causes the liquid’s temperature to rise. As the temperature rises, it results in thermal energy, but as kinetic energy is a type of kinetic energy, the answer both thermal and kinetic energy is the best option.

8. Thermal energy transfer can occur through ______ ways.
a) 2
b) 1
c) 3
d) 0
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Answer: c
Explanation: Thermal can transfer through ways, there are namely conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction needs direct contact of particles, convection is possible to fluids and radiation through electromagnetic waves.

9. In which of the following particles, convection is not possible?
a) Milk
b) Water
c) Atmosphere
d) Iron
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Answer: d
Explanation: Convection is a way of transferring thermal energy. It is possible in fluids only. Fluids include liquids and gases. Milk and water are liquids, whereas the atmosphere is a gas. So convection is not possible in iron, which is a solid.

10. Sunlight and heat reaching earth is an example of _________
a) conduction
b) radiation
c) convection
d) both convection and conduction
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Answer: b
Explanation: Thermal energy is transferred in the form of heat and sunlight. This process occurs through radiation, which is a type of transfer of thermal energy. It requires no direct contact and uses electromagnetic waves.

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