Class 11 Chemistry MCQ – States of Matter – Intermolecular Forces

This set of Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 5 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “States of Matter – Intermolecular Forces”.

1. What are the forces of attraction and repulsion between interacting molecules known as _________
a) attractive forces
b) repulsive forces
c) intermolecular forces
d) intramolecular forces
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Answer: c
Explanation: Intermolecular means between molecules and intramolecular means within in molecule. Both attractive and repulsive forces include intermolecular forces. Therefore, the forces of attraction and repulsion between interacting molecules are known as Intermolecular forces.

2. Deviation of real gas behavior from ideal gas is discovered by _____________
a) Jonathan
b) Van der Waals
c) Boyle
d) Newland
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Answer: b
Explanation: A Dutch scientist named Johannes van der Waals found out the reason for real gas behavior’s deviation from ideal gas behavior. And he said that those forces which were named van der Waals were responsible.

3. London force is also known as _____________
a) dispersion force
b) van der Waals forces
c) hydrogen bonding
d) covalent bonds
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Answer: a
Explanation: Electrically symmetrical atoms and non-polar molecules having zero dipole movement due to their electron distribution may sometimes develop a momentary dipole also known as London force or the Dispersion forces.

4. Dispersion force’s interaction energy is proportional to (take “r” as the distance between the two particles) ___________
a) r6
b) 1/r-6
c) r2
d) 1/r6
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Answer: d
Explanation: The interaction energy between two atoms or molecules experiencing dispersion or London forces is inversely proportional to the sixth power of the distance between those molecules when found, experimentally.

5. Dipole-Dipole forces are stronger than _______ and weaker than _________ interactions.
a) dipole-induced dipole, london
b) ion-ion, dispersion
c) ion-ion, london
d) london, ion-ion
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Answer: d
Explanation: Dipole-Dipole forces are stronger than London forces and weaker than ion-interactions. As only the partial charges are involved. London forces have no charges, and ion-ion forces have full charges.
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6. HCl is an example of __________
a) dipole-dipole intercations
b) dipole-induced dipole interactions
c) london intercation
d) van der waals interaction
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dipole-Dipole interactions occur between molecules having permanent dipoles. And also the ends of dipoles posses partial charge which represented by a Greek letter δ. In an HCl molecule, the same type of interactions occur.

7. Take “r” as the distance between two molecules. The energy between stationary polar molecules is proportional to ____________ in the case of dipole-dipole intercations.
a) 1/r3
b) r3
c) r2
d) 1/r2
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Answer: a
Explanation: The energy between two polar molecules which are stationary, is inversely proportional to the cube of the distance between the molecules, in the case of dipole-dipole intercations. This interaction is stronger than the London forces.

8. Which of the following interaction occurs between a permanent dipole and a neutral molecule?
a) Dipole-Dipole interactions
b) Dipole-induced dipole interactions
c) London interaction
d) Van der Waals interaction
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Answer: b
Explanation: Dipole-induced dipole interactions occur between a molecule of permanent dipole and molecule lacking permanent dipole. The dipole gets induced to the other molecule in this particular interaction.

9. Hydrogen bond plays a vital role in determining substance properties and structure. Which of the following may not an example?
a) Proteins
b) Nucleic acids
c) Methane molecule
d) Water
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Answer: c
Explanation: As per the above statement, substance properties and structure is determined as per the hydrogen bond present in them, but in a methane molecule, there is no hydrogen bond. So it may not be an example.

10. Molecules do exert repulsive forces on one other.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: When two molecules come closer, the electron clouds between them they repel. This is the reason why solids and liquids cannot be easily compressed. As the distance between molecules decreases, the repulsive forces become much stronger.

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