Class 11 Chemistry MCQ – Environmental Chemistry – Industrial Waste

This set of Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 14 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Environmental Chemistry – Industrial Waste”.

1. Which of the following produces fly ash?
a) Steam power plant
b) Thermal power plant
c) Steel power plant
d) Nuclear power plant
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Answer: b
Explanation: Thermal power plants produce fly ash. Fly ash contains particles of silica, alumina, and oxides of iron, calcium, and magnesium, and toxic heavy metals like lead, cobalt, arsenic, and copper. The thermal power plants in India use bituminous coal and produce large quantities of ash.

2. Which among the following do not produce mud and tailings?
a) Steel plants
b) Aluminum manufacturing industries
c) Zinc manufacturing industries
d) Copper manufacturing industries
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Answer: a
Explanation: Industries manufacturing aluminum, zinc and copper produce mud and tailings. So, that leaves the answer, i.e., steel plants. Tailings are the by-products left over from mining and extracting resources, such as extracting bitumen from oil sands or minerals such as copper or gold from ores.

3. Pick out the method employed for destroying large amounts of industrial wastes.
a) Burning them along with garbage in open bins
b) Dumping them in landfills
c) Transferring them to other industries
d) Controlled incerination
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Answer: d
Explanation: Large quantities of industrial toxic wastes are usually destroyed by controlled incerination. Whereas, small quantities are burned along with the garbage in open bins. Therefore, the disposal of non-degradable industrial solid wastes, if not done by a proper and suitable method, may cause serious threat to the environment.

4. New technology has been developed to produce electricity from garbage.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Yes, new technology has been developed to produce electricity from garbage. Since, in India, power cuts and the increasing piles of rotting garbage are an everyday concern, this new development aims at getting rid of both the problems in one go. A pilot plant has been set up, where after removing ferrous metals, plastic, glass, paper, etc. from garbage, it is mixed with water. It is then cultured with bacterial species for producing methane, commonly known as biogas. The remaining product is used as manure and biogas is used to produce electricity.

5. What the name for fuel obtained from plastic waste?
a) White fuel
b) Black fuel
c) Green fuel
d) Yellow fuel
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Answer: c
Explanation: Fuel obtained from plastic waste has high octane rating. It contains no lead and, therefore, is known as green fuel. Due to recent developments made in chemical and textile industries, clothes will be made from recycled plastic waste. These will be available soon in the global textile market.

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