Class 11 Chemistry MCQ – Periodic Table Classification – Nomenclature of Elements with Atomic Numbers > 100

This set of Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 3 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Periodic Table Classification – Nomenclature of Elements with Atomic Numbers > 100”.

1. Which of the following is not the name of the 104th element?
a) Rutherfordium
b) Kurchatovium
c) Unnilquadium
d) Neptunium
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Answer: d
Explanation: For claiming credit for discovering 104th element, the Americans named it Rutherfordium and the Soviets named it Kurchatovium. While it’s named Unnilquadium as per IUPAC nomenclature. Neptunium is the 93rd element.

2. In olden days, as a privilege to the discoverer, the elements were named as they suggested by IUPAC.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Traditionally, IUPAC ratified the name selected by the discoverer. But later this led to the problem because the synthesis of these elements required costly equipment and laboratory as the elements with higher atomic numbers are highly unstable.

3. The element ____________ is also known as Unnilunium.
a) Nobelium
b) Mendelevium
c) Hassium
d) Flerovium
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Answer: b
Explanation: As per the notations of the IUPAC nomenclature, the 101st element is named as Unnilunium. When the Einstenium was bombarded with alpha particles, Mendelevium was discovered and named after Dmitri Mendeleev.

4. What’s the name of the 109th element as per the nomenclature?
a) Unnilennium
b) Unnilunium
c) Ununnillium
d) Ununennium
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Answer: a
Explanation: As per IUPAC nomenclature, 0 – nil, 1 – un, 2 – bi, 3 – tri, 4 – quad, 5 – pent, 6 – hex, 7 – sept, 8 – oct and 9 – enn. Here it’s 109 so 1 – un, 0 – nil and 9 – enn, combining them its unnilennium (adding “-ium” after it).

5. What’s the symbol of the element Unnilquadium?
a) Unl
b) Unq
c) Uns
d) Ubn
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Answer: b
Explanation: Unnilquadium is a combination of un, nil, and quad i.e. 1, 0 and 4 as per IUPAC nomenclature. Its symbol is formed by joining the first letters. So combining u from uni, n from nil and q from quad, we get Unq.
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6. For the 115th element _________ is the name as per IUPAC nomenclature and __________ is the official name.
a) Unnilquadium, Mendelevium
b) Unnilunium, Rutherfordium
c) Ununpentium, Moscovium
d) Moscovium, Ununpentium
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Answer: c
Explanation: As per IUPAC nomenclature, the roots are as follows: 0 – nil, 1 – un, 2 – bi, 3 – tri, 4 – quad, 5 – pent, 6 – hex, 7 – sept, 8 – oct and 9 – enn. So 115 is Ununpentium and the official name is Moscovium was named after the Moscow Oblast in which Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is situated.

7. The elements, Unnilhexium and Seaborgium are the same.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Unnilhexium is the 106th element as per IUPAC nomenclature, as the roots are un, nil, and hex which means 1, 0 and 6. The 106th element’s official name is Seaborgium. Seaborgium is a synthetic element that is named after Glenn T. Seaborg.

8. What’s the atomic number of the element Copernicium?
a) 111
b) 112
c) 113
d) 114
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Answer: b
Explanation: The element of Copernicium’s atomic number is 112. it is otherwise called as Ununbium as per the IUPAC nomenclature. The name Copernicium is given after the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus. It’s a d-block transactinide element that belongs to Group-12.

9. What are the roots of 1, 1, and 9 respectively as per the IUPAC nomenclature, and find out its symbol?
a) un, bi, and quad; Ubq
b) nil, bi, and sept; Ubs
c) un, un, and enn; Uue
d) un, bi, and enn; Ube
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Answer: c
Explanation: As per IUPAC nomenclature, the roots are as follows: 0 – nil, 1 – un, 2 – bi, 3 – tri, 4 – quad, 5 – pent, 6 – hex, 7 – sept, 8 – oct and 9 – enn. So the roots for 1, 1 and 9 are un, un, and enn. Hence the symbol of the elements is Uue.

10. What is the atomic number of the element unniloctium?
a) 106
b) 118
c) 108
d) 116
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Answer: c
Explanation: As per IuPAC nomenclature of periodic elements greater than 100, Un means 1, nil means 0 and oct means 8, so the element numbered 108 is unniloctium. It’s chemical names is Hassium and is represented by the symbol “Hs”. It is highly radioactive in nature and man made.

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