Chemical Technology Questions and Answers – C2 Compounds – Ethylene Oxide

This set of Chemical Technology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “C2 Compounds – Ethylene Oxide”.

1. What is the molecular weight of ethylene oxide?
a) 43
b) 44
c) 45
d) 46
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Answer: a
Explanation: Chemical formula of ethylene oxide is CH2OCH2. It contains 2 carbon atoms, 4 hydrogen atoms, and 1 oxygen atom 12, 1, and 16 as their atomic weights respectively. Hence the molecular weight is 12*2+4*1+16*1 = 43.

2. Identify i, ii, iii, and iv in the process of direct oxidation of ethylene using following hints.
Water absorber, desorber & stripper in the process of direct oxidation of ethylene

i -> Effluent gases from reactor are sent directly into this tower.
ii-> Absorbed component in column A is removed in B.
iii-> Light ends is removed.
iv->Ethylene oxide is obtained at the top of the tower. 

a) i-stripper, ii-water absorber, iii-desorber, iv-refining still
b) i-water absorber, ii-desorber, iii-stripper, iv-refining still
c) i- desorber, ii-water absorber, iii-refining still, iv-stripper
d) i-refining still, ii-desorber, iii-stripper, iv-water absorber
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Answer: b
Explanation: Ethylene and oxygen are compressed and sent into reactor along with catalyst and suppressing agent. Effluent gases from reactor are sent into water absorber for water-washing followed by desorber to remove water. Then light ends are removed in stripper, while ethylene oxide and high ends are separated in refining still.

3. Which reagent is used as suppressing agent in direct oxidation of ethylene?
a) Ethylene oxide
b) Ethylene chloride
c) Ethylene dichloride
d) Ethylene
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ethylene dichloride is used as suppressing agent in direct oxidation of ethylene to suppress the side reaction which produces carbon dioxide and water instead of ethylene oxide.

4. Catalyst used in direct oxidation of ethylene is __________________
a) Magnesium oxide
b) Sodium oxide
c) Silver oxide
d) Manganese oxide
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Answer: c
Explanation: Silver oxide or alumina (inert carrier) is used as catalyst in direct oxidation of ethylene. To reduce/avoid side reaction, suppressing agent is also used.
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5. Which type of reactor is used in ethylene oxide manufacturing process?
a) Catalytic reactor
b) Liquid phase reactor
c) Fluidized bed reactor
d) Fixed bed reactor
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Answer: d
Explanation: Ethylene and oxygen are compressed and sent into a tubular fixed bed reactor since it is highly exothermic reaction along with catalyst and suppressing agent.

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