Chemical Technology Questions and Answers – C1 Compounds – Trichloroethylene

This set of Chemical Technology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “C1 Compounds – Trichloroethylene”.

1. What is the molecular weight of tri chloro ethylene?
a) 131.5
b) 130.5
c) 129.5
d) 120.5
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Answer: a
Explanation: Molecular formula of tri chloro ethylene is ClHC=CCl2. As it contains 3 chlorine atoms, 2 carbon atoms, and 1 hydrogen atom the molecular weight is 35.5*3+12*2+1*1=131.5.

2. Tri chloro ethylene is highly soluble in water. Is the statement true/false?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Tri chloro ethylene is not highly soluble but slightly soluble in water. It is miscible with ethers and alcohols. It is available in different grades like technical, extraction etc.

3. Which catalyst is used in the reaction of acetylene and chlorine producing tetra chloro ethane?
a) Barium chloride
b) Ferric chloride
c) Hydrogen chloride
d) Calcium chloride
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Answer: b
Explanation: Ferric chloride is used as catalyst in the reaction of acetylene and chlorine to give tetra chloro ethane whereas barium chloride is used as catalyst in the reaction to produce tri chloro ethylene from tetra chloro ethane.

4. Acid free grade of tri chloro ethylene is known as _______________
a) Extraction
b) Technical
c) Industrial
d) Tri-chlor
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Answer: d
Explanation: Acid free grade of tri chloro ethylene is known as tri-chlor whereas high purity grade is called technical grade and non-acid grade is called extraction grade, industrial grade is not present.

5. Which of the following chemical reaction is true?
a) \(C_2 H_2+ 2Cl_2 \, ^{\underrightarrow{BaCl_2}}\, C_2 H_2 Cl_2\)
b) \(C_2 H_2+ 2Cl_2 \, ^{\underrightarrow{BaCl_2}}\, C_2 H_2 Cl_4\)
c) \(C_2 H_2 Cl_4 \, ^{\underrightarrow{BaCl_2}}\, C_2 HCl_3+ HCl \)
d) \(C_2 H_2 Cl_4 \, ^{\underrightarrow{FeCl_3}}\, C_2 HCl_3+ HCl\)
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Answer: c
Explanation: The correct chemical equation is \(C_2 H_2 Cl_4 \, ^{\underrightarrow{BaCl_2}}\, C_2 HCl_3+ HCl \) as Ferric chloride is used as catalyst in the reaction of acetylene and chlorine to give tetra chloro ethane whereas barium chloride is used as catalyst in the reaction to produce tri chloro ethylene from tetra chloro ethane.
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