Chemical Process Calculation Questions and Answers – Material Balances -I

This set of Chemical Process Calculation Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Material Balances-I”.

1. Material balance equation can be applied to
a) Total mass
b) Mass of a component
c) Moles of a component
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Material balance equation can be applied to all these as these are conserved under every change in a chemical process.

2. Material balance equation cannot be applied to
a) Total moles
b) Mass of an atomic species
c) Moles of an atomic species
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Total moles may vary.

3. We don`t use volume balance in a chemical process because
a) Mass is not conserved in a process
b) Volume is not conserved in a process
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b
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Answer: b
Explanation: Volume is not conserved in a process because different materials have different densities.

4. In the given tank, there are two feeds and one output. Consider a 2 hour operation; the feed rates are 4000 kg/hr and 6000 kg/hr. The accumulated material inside the tank is 2000 kg. What is the output rate kg/hr of the material?
a) 9000
b) 8000
c) 7000
d) 6000
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Answer: a
Explanation: Input = output, Take a basis: 2 hour.

5. In a process the inputs and outputs are shown as in the diagram
The inputs & outputs are B+C = A+D in given process
Correct material balance is
a) B+C = A+D
b) A+B = C+D
c) A+C = B+D
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: What comes in, goes out.

6. Based on number of degrees of freedom, find the incorrect statement, consider
NU = Number of unknown
NE = Number of unknown equation
a) NU = NE for that a solution
b) NU > NE > 0 for that more independent equation required
c) NU< NE < 0 for that no solution exists unless some constraints are eliminated
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: ND = NU – NE
Where: ND = Number of degrees of freedom.

7. In a process, two feed streams are there and one output stream. The feed streams have the feed rates as 500 kg/sec and 600 kg/sec. If the output stream rate is 800 kg/s, what is the mass stored in the chamber in five seconds?
a) 300 kg
b) 500 kg
c) 1000 kg
d) 1500 kg
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Answer: d
Explanation: For five seconds, Accumulation = 5(500+600-800) Kg.

8. If ω1, ω2, and ω3 are the mass fractions of components 1, 2, and 3 in a steady-state system, and ω2 for component A is given, what is its value?
Find the value of ω2 for A 0.5 if ω1, ω2, ω3 are the mass fractions of the components
a) 0.5
b) 0.6
c) 0.7
d) 0.8
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Answer: a
Explanation: In a steady-state system, the sum of mass fractions Σω=1. Therefore, if ω2 for component A is specified as 0.5, this is its value.

9. In a steady-state system, if ω2 for component F and ω2 for component A are known, what is the value of ω2 for component P given that ω2F + ω2A = ω2P?
Find the value of ω2 for A 0.5 if ω1, ω2, ω3 are the mass fractions of the components
a) 0.98
b) 0.88
c) 0.78
d) 0.68
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Answer: d
Explanation: Using the steady-state equation ω2F + ω2A = ω2P, we find that ω2 for P is 0.68.

10. In a steady-state system, if ω3 for component A is known, what is the value of ω3 for component P given that ω3A = ω3P?
Find the value of ω2 for A 0.5 if ω1, ω2, ω3 are the mass fractions of the components
a) 0.09
b) 0.08
c) 0.07
d) 0.06
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since the mass fraction ω3 for component A is equal to the mass fraction ω3 for component P, ω3 for P is 0.08.

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