Cancer Biology MCQ – Set 2

This set of Cancer Biology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Data for Some Prevalent Human Cancers”.

1. Which among the following cancer is the most common cancer in men?
a) Lung cancer
b) Skin cancer
c) Prostate cancer
d) Liver cancer
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Answer: a
Explanation: Lung cancer accounts for the leading number of deaths in men. Prostate being the number 2 killer. There are two types of lung cancer, small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. Small cell lung cancers are generally found in men.

2. How many types of cancer are there approximately?
a) 500
b) 100
c) 1500
d) 1000
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Answer: b
Explanation: There are approximately more than 100 types of cancer caused by abnormal cell growth. Cancer can be caused due to environmental factors, chemicals, virus etc. The symptoms of different cancers vary according to their type.

3. Which among the following cancer is the most common cancer in women?
a) Pancreatic cancer
b) Ovarian cancer
c) Breast cancer
d) Stomach cancer
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Answer: c
Explanation: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. A lump or thickened breast tissue is the observable sign for breast cancer. If detected early, it can be cured with high survival rate.

4. Which among the following cancer is most common?
a) Liver cancer
b) Lung cancer
c) Pancreatic cancer
d) Stomach cancer
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Answer: b
Explanation: Lung cancer is the most common cancer worldwide with highest mortality in men. Lung cancer is also called as “Silent killer” as it shows no early symptoms and is detected at very late age.

5. Which among the following is the deadliest female reproductive cancer?
a) Uterine cancer
b) Ovarian cancer
c) Vulvar cancer
d) Vaginal cancer
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Answer: b
Explanation: Ovaries are the two female reproductive organs that make female hormones and produces eggs. Ovarian cancer is the most deadly female cancer. Although it is 11th most common cancer in women, it is 5th deadliest cancer in women.

6. Which cancer is the most difficult to treat?
a) Liver cancer
b) Pancreatic cancer
c) Skin cancer
d) Prostate cancer
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Answer: a
Explanation: Liver cancer is difficult to treat and its survival rate is also low. Due to the complex system of blood vessels, it becomes difficult for surgery. Liver cancer is generally caused by Hepatocellular carcinoma due to HBV and HCV. Other reasons include liver cirrhosis, parasitic infection and exposure to Aflatoxin.

7. Which of the following is correct order for development of ovarian carcinoma?
a) Hyperdiploid imbalance – chromosome instability – triploid formation
b) Chromosome instability – Hyperdiploid imbalance – triploid formation
c) Hyperdiploid imbalance – triploid formation – chromosome instability
d) Triploid formation – Hyperdiploid imbalance – chromosome instability
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Answer: a
Explanation: Ovarian carcinoma goes through two or three phases of karyotype disarrangements. The karyotype abnormalities goes through the first phase which involves Hyperdiploid imbalance like addition of genetic material at chromosome p7/p8/p12 or deletion at chromosome 6q/1q. The second phase includes increased chromosomal instability. The third phase involves triploid formation which is linked to 6q/1q pathway.

8. Which among the following chromosome is related to mutation for PML-RARA?
a) 11; 17
b) 9; 11
c) 8; 14
d) 15; 17
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Answer: d
Explanation: The mutation in PML-RARA gene leads to promyelocytic leukemia which is a type of acute myeloid leukemia. The translocation in Chromosome 15; 17 leads to mutation in PML-RARA gene.

9. Which among the following is the most common cancer in Children?
a) Retinoblastoma
b) Leukemia
c) T cell lymphoma
d) Brain cancer
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Answer: b
Explanation: Leukemia is the most common cancer found in children. Acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) accounts for most of the childhood leukemia. The rest is by acute myeloid leukemia. Chronic leukemia are rare to find in children.

10. Which of the following is the not the non-invasive method for cancer diagnosis?
a) Tissue Biopsy
b) Liquid biopsy
c) MRI
d) CT Scan
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Answer: a
Explanation: Liquid biopsy focuses on exosomes, circulating tumour cells and circulating tumour DNA. The samples required for it can be human saliva, urine, etc. MRI is a non-invasive method which uses magnetic fields and radio waves. CT scan is non-invasive method which uses X-Ray technology.

11. Which of the following chromosome locus alteration is involved in mutation of KRAS gene?
a) 9p21
b) 12p21
c) 3p
d) 17p13
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Answer: b
Explanation: The alteration in KRAS gene can lead to lung tumour. The alteration in 12p21 locus leads to mutation in the gene. Whereas, 9p21 leads to mutation in CDKN2A/p16INK4 gene, 3p leads to mutation in LOH 3p gene, 17p13 leads to mutation in p53 gene.

12. Which among the following is the fastest killing cancer?
a) Liver cancer
b) Pancreatic cancer
c) Skin cancer
d) Brain cancer
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Answer: b
Explanation: There is no early diagnosis available for pancreatic cancer, which progresses rapidly. Due to this reason it is one of the most dangerous type of cancer as it is a fastest killing cancer. Obesity and tobacco are said to be one of the reason for pancreatic cancer.

13. Which of the following female reproductive cancer has the symptoms of abdomen and back pain?
a) Ovarian Cancer
b) Cervical cancer
c) Vaginal cancer
d) Vulvar cancer
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Answer: a
Explanation: One of the main symptoms of ovarian cancer is abdomen and back pain. Whereas cervical cancer leads to abnormal bleeding and usually shows no symptoms. Abnormal bleeding and discharge are symptoms of vaginal cancer. Itching burning rashes around vaginal opening can be the symptoms of vulvar cancer.

14. Which among the following cancer has lowest survival rate cancer?
a) Mesothelioma
c) Lung and bronchial cancer
d) Liver cancer
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Answer: b
Explanation: A diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) is a brainstem glioma. DIPG has survival rate of <1%. There is still no effective treatment for DIPG and thus very low chance of survival.

15. Which among the following cancer has the maximum survival rate?
a) Prostate cancer
b) Lip cancer
c) Lung and bronchial cancer
d) Liver cancer
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Answer: a
Explanation: Prostate cancer is one of the most common type of cancer in men. Prostate cancer has maximum survival rate i.e. approx. 99% if detected early at Stage 1 and 2. This cancer grow very slow or they do not grow at all making it more treatable.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Cancer Biology.

To practice all areas of Cancer Biology, here is complete set of Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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