Biomedical Instrumentation Questions and Answers – Digital Recorders

This set of Biomedical Instrumentation Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Digital Recorders”.

1. The removal of waste products during dialysis is ___________
a) inversely proportional to the concentration gradient across the membrane
b) proportional to the concentration gradient across the membrane
c) proportional to the flow rate across the membrane
d) inversely proportional to the flow rate across the membrane
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Answer: b
Explanation: The removal of waste products during dialysis is proportional to the concentration gradient across the membrane. In order to effect the maximum gradient, the concentration of waste products in the dialysate should be maintained at zero. This is achieved in most currently employed machines by using the dialysate only once and then discarding it.

2. Counter-current flow through the artificial kidney is used so that the dialysate enters the kidney at the blood exit-end. Where the blood concentration of waste products is at the lowest level?
a) lowest level
b) very high level
c) high level
d) medium level
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Answer: a
Explanation: Counter-current flow through the artificial kidney is used so that the dialysate enters the kidney at the blood exit-end where blood concentration of waste products is at the lowest level. The removal of waste products during dialysis is proportional to the concentration gradient across the membrane. In order to effect the maximum gradient, the concentration of waste products in the dialysate should be maintained at zero.

3. Parallel flow dialyzer has a low internal resistance. Because of this blood pump is required.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Parallel flow dialyzer has a low internal resistance which allows adequate blood flow through the dialyzer with the patient’s arterial blood pressure, eliminating the need for a blood pump. The dialyzing surface area of a parallel flow dialyzer is about 1 sq m. At a blood flow rate of 200 ml/min and a dialysate flow of 500 ml/min, the urea and creatinine clearance is about 80 and 64 ml/min.

4. KIIL dialyzer is a type of _________
a) coil hemodialyzer
b) hollow fiber dialyzer
c) series flow dialyzer
d) parallel flow dialyzer
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Answer: b
Explanation: The KIIL dialyzer has earlier been the most commonly used form of parallel flow dialyzer. It consists of three polypropylene boards with dialyzing membranes laid between them. The boards are held firmly with a frame on the top and bottom and are fastened by a series of bolts on the side.

5. The KIIL dialyzer is not disposable.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: It is true. The KIIL dialyzer is not disposable. It needs to be cleaned and re-built after each dialysis operation. With this type of dialyzer, a single-pass body temperature dialysate passes through the dialyzer once before going to the drain to obtain higher operational efficiency and to minimize bacterial infection.
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6. The volume of blood within the dialyzer is known as __________
a) secondary volume
b) quarterly volume
c) priming volume
d) residual volume
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Answer: c
Explanation: The volume of blood within the dialyzer is known as priming volume. It is desirable that this should be minimal. Priming volume of present day dialyzers ranges from 75 to 200 ml, depending on the membrane area geometry and operating conditions.

7. The ideal membrane should possess __________
a) low permeability to water
b) high permeability to water
c) medium permeability to water
d) high permeability to waste
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Answer: b
Explanation: The ideal membrane should possess high permeability to water, organic metabolites and ions, and the capability of retaining plasma proteins. The membrane should be of sufficient wet strength to resist tearing or bursting and non-toxic to blood and all body cells.

8. Which of the following is the commonly used membrane for hemodialysis?
a) Cupraphan
b) Cotton
c) Cellulose
d) calcium
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cupraphan is the commonly used membrane for haemodialysis. It is a membrane consisting of natural cellulose and is considered puncture-proof, and of high tenacity and elasticity. During haemodialysis, different substances of varying molecular weight are to be removed.

9. The delta wave in EEG ranges from _________
a) 0.5-4Hz
b) 4-8Hz
c) 8-13Hz
d) 13-22Hz
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Answer: a
Explanation: The delta wave in EEG ranges from 0.5-4Hz. The theta wave in EEG ranges from 4-8Hz. The alpha wave in EEG ranges from 8-13Hz and beta from 13-22Hz.

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