This set of Biomedical Instrumentation Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Cardiac Arrhythmias”.
1. _____________ is common engineering term and refers to its function to control a process.
a) Open-loop
b) Feedback
c) Reaction
d) Closed-loop
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Explanation: Feedback is a common engineering term and refers to its function to control a process. When this concept is applied to biological processes within the body, it is known as biofeedback. Biofeedback is a means for gaining control of the body processes to create a specially required psychological state so as to increase relaxation, relieve pain and develop healthier and more comfortable life patterns.
2. Biofeedback training is an educational process for learning body skills.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: True, Biofeedback training is an educational process for learning specialized mind/body skills as through practice, one learns to recognize physiological responses and to control them rather than having them control us. The objective of biofeedback training is to gain self-regulatory skills which help to adjust the activity in various systems to optimal levels.
3. Which of the following instrument is used for measuring the average activity of sweat glands?
a) EOG
b) ECG
c) GSR
d) PCG
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Explanation: Electrodermal activity is measured in two ways: BSR (basal skin response) and GSR (galvanic skin response) is a measure of the average activity of the sweat glands and is a measure of the phasic activity (the high and low points) of these glands.
4. BSR(Basal skin response) gives _____________
a) activity of sweat glands
b) baseline value of skin resistance
c) activity of endrocine glands
d) baseline value of breathing
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Explanation: BSR (basal skin response) and GSR (galvanic skin response) is a measure of the average activity of the sweat glands and is a measure of the phasic activity (the high and low points) of these glands. BSR gives the baseline value of the skin resistance where as GSR is due to the activity of the sweat glands.
5. GSR(Galvanic skin response) gives ________________
a) activity of sweat glands
b) baseline value of skin resistance
c) activity of endrocine glands
d) baseline value of breathing
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Explanation: BSR (basal skin response) and GSR (galvanic skin response) is a measure of the average activity of the sweat glands and is a measure of the phasic activity (the high and low points) of these glands. BSR gives the baseline value of the skin resistance where as GSR is due to the activity of the sweat glands.
6. At which place GSR is measured?
a) palms of hand
b) nose
c) eye
d) teeth
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Explanation: BSR gives the baseline value of the skin resistance where as GSR is due to the activity of the sweat glands. The GSR is measured most conveniently at the palms of the hand, where the body has the highest concentration of sweat glands. The measurement is made using a dc current source.
7. What is used to measure and record BSR and GSR?
a) Tape recorder
b) Amplifier
c) Silver-Silver electrode
d) Piezoelectric device
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Explanation: The GSR is measured most conveniently at the palms of the hand, where the body has the highest concentration of sweat glands. The measurement is made using a dc current source. Silver-silver electrodes are used to measure and record the BSR and GSR.
8. The BSR output is connected to RC network with time constant of _________________ seconds.
a) 1 to 3
b) 3 to 5
c) 5 to 7
d) 7 to 9
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Explanation: Silver-silver electrodes are used to measure and record the BSR and GSR. The BSR output is connected to an RC network with a time constant of 3 to 5 seconds which enables the measurement of GSR as a change of the skin resistance.
9. Biofeedback instrumentation for the measurement of EMG, temperature and pulse/heart rate.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: True, Biofeedback instrumentation for the measurement of EMG, temperature and pulse/heart rate as it is not different from other instruments used for the measurement of physiological variables. Transducers and amplifiers are employed to measure the variable that is to be controlled by the feedback process.
10. What is employed to measure the variable that is to be controlled by the feedback process?
a) Transducers
b) Sensing device
c) Tape recorder
d) Piezo-electric device
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Explanation: Biofeedback instrumentation for the measurement of EMG, temperature and pulse/heart rate is not different from other instruments used for the measurement of physiological variables. Transducers and amplifiers are employed to measure the variable that is to be controlled by the feedback process.
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