1."Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics" by A R Verma
“Crystallography Applied to Solid State Physics” Book Review: The thoroughly revised book is a comprehensive reference guide and textbook on solid-state physics, covering crystallographic methods and principles along with detailed concepts. Additionally, the new chapters incorporated in the book enhance its content. Intended for both graduate and undergraduate students of solid-state physics, this book serves as an excellent resource for acquiring in-depth knowledge of the subject.
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2."Biomolecular Crystallography: Principles, Practice, and Application to Structural Biology" by Bernhard Rupp
“Biomolecular Crystallography: Principles, Practice, and Application to Structural Biology” Book Review: The book delves into key aspects of biomolecular crystallography, specifically emphasizing the basics and applications of protein crystallography. Additionally, it elucidates the mathematical and physical principles pertinent to the subject matter and provides examples of biologically-significant molecules and complexes, including drug target structures. As such, it serves as a valuable resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying biology, crystallography, and structural bioinformatics.
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3."Elementary Crystallography" by Velmurugan
“Elementary Crystallography” Book Review: The content of the book covers the composition of materials and the way atoms are arranged in three dimensions. It delves into the crystal structure and how it’s arranged in molecules, providing comprehensive and in-depth coverage of this intricate subject. Additionally, it outlines the techniques used to determine the three-dimensional crystal structure of molecules. The book further includes practical exercises and solved examples to aid in comprehension.
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4."Practical Approach to Crystallography and Mineralogy" by Hota N Rabindra | |
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5."Introduction to Crystallography" by Donald E Sands
“Introduction to Crystallography” Book Review: This book comprehensively explains fundamental crystallographic concepts, providing readers with the necessary mathematical background to understand the topics in depth. Topics covered include lattice points, unit cells, symmetry, and point groups, as well as crystal systems, space groups, and equivalent positions. In addition, the book covers principles of x-ray diffraction and methods for finding crystal structures, including various simple structures. Moreover, the book introduces the reciprocal lattice and powder method to give readers a more comprehensive understanding of the subject.
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6."Macromolecular Crystallography: Deciphering the Structure, Function and Dynamics of Biological Molecules" by Maria Armenia Carrondo and Paola Spadon
“Macromolecular Crystallography: Deciphering the Structure, Function and Dynamics of Biological Molecules” Book Review: The purpose of the book is to educate the younger generation about advanced methods and techniques used to examine the structural and dynamic concepts of biological macromolecules. It is a compilation of the contributions presented at the 42nd Erice Crystallographic Course and delves into techniques like X-ray diffraction, fracturing, electron cryo-electron microscopy, electro nanospray mass spectrometry, NMR, protein docking, and molecular dynamics. The book emphasizes the interdependence of modern structural science on multiple experimental and computational techniques, and their integration and development.
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7."Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry: An Introduction" by D F Bloss | |
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7 Best Books on Crystallography
We have compiled a list of the Best Reference Books on Crystallography, which are used by students of top universities, and colleges. This will help you choose the right book depending on if you are a beginner or an expert. Here is the complete list of Crystallography Books with their authors, publishers, and an unbiased review of them as well as links to the Amazon website to directly purchase them. If permissible, you can also download the free PDF books on Crystallography below.
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